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Why is String.Format static? [closed]





String.Format("Hello {0}", "World"); 


"Hello {0}".Format("World"); 

Why did the .Net designers choose a static method over an instance method? What do you think?

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Jakub Šturc Avatar asked Aug 22 '08 19:08

Jakub Šturc

People also ask

What is string format () used for Java?

The Java String. format() method returns the formatted string by a given locale, format, and argument. If the locale is not specified in the String. format() method, it uses the default locale by calling the Locale.

Why do we use string format?

format gives you more power in "formatting" the string; and concatenation means you don't have to worry about accidentally putting in an extra %s or missing one out. String. format is also shorter. Which one is more readable depends on how your head works.

How do you use %s in Java?

In your example, it is a placeholder character. It means when % is encountered, the next character determines how to interpret the argument and insert it into the printed result. %s means interpret as string, %d is for digit, %x is digit in hexadecimal, %f is for float, etc....

What is %p format string?

The percent ("P") format specifier multiplies a number by 100 and converts it to a string that represents a percentage. The precision specifier indicates the desired number of decimal places.

2 Answers

Because the Format method has nothing to do with a string's current value.

That's true for all string methods because .NET strings are immutable.

If it was non-static, you would need a string to begin with.

It does: the format string.

I believe this is just another example of the many design flaws in the .NET platform (and I don't mean this as a flame; I still find the .NET framework superior to most other frameworks).

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Konrad Rudolph Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

Konrad Rudolph

I don't actually know the answer but I suspect that it has something to do with the aspect of invoking methods on string literals directly.

If I recall correctly (I didn't actually verify this because I don't have an old IDE handy), early versions of the C# IDE had trouble detecting method calls against string literals in IntelliSense, and that has a big impact on the discoverability of the API. If that was the case, typing the following wouldn't give you any help:


If you were forced to type

new String("{0}").Format(12); 

It would be clear that there was no advantage to making the Format method an instance method rather than a static method.

The .NET libraries were designed by a lot of the same people that gave us MFC, and the String class in particular bears a strong resemblance to the CString class in MFC. MFC does have an instance Format method (that uses printf style formatting codes rather than the curly-brace style of .NET) which is painful because there's no such thing as a CString literal. So in a MFC codebase that I worked on I see a lot of this:

CString csTemp = ""; csTemp.Format("Some string: %s", szFoo); 

which is painful. (I'm not saying that the code above is a great way to do things even in MFC, but that does seem to be the way that most of the developers on the project learned how to use CString::Format). Coming from that heritage, I can imagine that the API designers were trying to avoid that sort of situation again.

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Andrew Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 05:09
