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Why does my WiX installer need an empty CreateFolder to conditionally update an Xml file?

TL;DR: Why do I need an empty <CreateFolder/> element in this conditional component in order to make it work?

I'm putting together a simple WiX based installer for an in-house application. This installer needs to deploy a standard configuration file (a normal .NET .config file) and then customize it using properties passed to msiexec on the command line.

One of the customizations is to create a specific application setting only if the RUNTIME property has been defined. Here's the WiX component for that:

  <Component Id="C.Rbnz.Fsis.CollectionPeriodService.exe.config.runtime"              Guid="*">     <Condition>       <![CDATA[RUNTIME]]>     </Condition>      <CreateFolder/>      <util:XmlFile Id="X.Runtime.1"                   Action="createElement"                   ElementPath="/configuration/appSettings"                   File="[#F.Rbnz.Fsis.CollectionPeriodService.exe.config]"                   Name="add"                   Sequence="2"/>      <util:XmlFile Id="X.Runtime.2"                   File="[#F.Rbnz.Fsis.CollectionPeriodService.exe.config]"                   ElementPath="/configuration/appSettings/add[\[]not(@key)[\]]"                   Action="setValue"                   Name="key"                   Value="RunTime"                   Sequence="3"/>      <util:XmlFile Id="X.Runtime.3"                   File="[#F.Rbnz.Fsis.CollectionPeriodService.exe.config]"                   ElementPath="/configuration/appSettings/add[\[]@key='RunTime'[\]]"                   Action="setValue"                   Name="value"                   Value="[RUNTIME]"                   Sequence="4"/>    </Component> 

This works just as I want - if RUNTIME is specified on the commandline for msiexec, the new element gets created; if not, nothing happens.

Why do I have to have the empty <CreateFolder/> within this component?

While I was trying to get this working, I found "Wix Condition Statement", which showed a working component, but doesn't explain why <CreateFolder/> is necessary.

Removing <CreateFolder/> gives me this error:

ICE18: KeyPath for Component: 'C.Rbnz.Fsis.CollectionPeriodService.exe.config.runtime' is Directory: 'INSTALLDIR'. The Directory/Component pair must be listed in the CreateFolders table.

which is, I'm sure, quite informative once you know what it means.

like image 820
Bevan Avatar asked Sep 03 '12 01:09


People also ask

How does WiX Installer work?

The WiX tools follow the traditional compile and link model used to create executables from source code. At build time, the WiX source files are validated against the core WiX schema, then processed by a preprocessor, compiler, and linker to create the final result.

2 Answers

Every component has a key path; the most common is a file. Your component doesn't have a file or other key path, so WiX gives it the default of a directory. Windows Installer then comes along and says that components with directory key paths must ensure the directory is created, even if something else will do so. It's a silly rule with an easy fix.

like image 143
Bob Arnson Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09

Bob Arnson

You can use the parametre KeyPath="yes" in your component tag instead. Only if the 'INSTALLDIR' is the correct path for this component.

like image 43
Kim BG Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09

Kim BG