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Why do we always divide RGB values by 255? [closed]



Why do we always divide our RGB values by 255? I know that the range is from [0-1]. But why dive only by 255? Can anyone please explain me the concepts of RGB values?

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Tabish Sohail Avatar asked Dec 10 '13 05:12

Tabish Sohail

People also ask

Why do colors go up to 255?

Each of the red, green and blue light levels is encoded as a number in the range 0.. 255, with 0 meaning zero light and 255 meaning maximum light. So for example (red=255, green=100, blue=0) is a color where red is maximum, green is medium, and blue is not present at all, resulting in a shade of orange.

Why most color pickers use the values 0 255 for each color channel?

The Adobe Photoshop or Elements Color Pickers are a similar tool. Each of the individual R or G or B components are normally 8-bit values, each in the range of [0.. 255], because 255 is the largest value possible to store in 8 bits (28 = 256 values of [0..

Can RGB go past 255?

So no. For 24 -bit colors. 255 is thus simply defined as the maximum intensity of red/green/blue a monitor renders.

What color does an RGB value of 255 255 255 represent?

White = [ 255, 255, 255 ]

1 Answers

RGB (Red, Green, Blue) are 8 bit each.
The range for each individual colour is 0-255 (as 2^8 = 256 possibilities).
The combination range is 256*256*256.

By dividing by 255, the 0-255 range can be described with a 0.0-1.0 range where 0.0 means 0 (0x00) and 1.0 means 255 (0xFF).

like image 132
Tarun Chaudhary Avatar answered Nov 28 '22 14:11

Tarun Chaudhary