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Why do I get this compilation warning in Netbeans?

I am working on a Java-EE project involving Glassfish and the client component is running with Java 7 Update 21. The Swing-based client was formerly based on Java 6 Update 38 until we decided to migrate to the new Java 7 Update 21.

I get the following compilation warning in Netbeans 7.3:

warning: Supported source version 'RELEASE_6' from annotation processor 'org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.modelgen.CanonicalModelProcessor' less than -source '1.7'

At this point, the compilation process hangs for about 1 minute.

Btw, we still have the javaee-api-6.0.jar referenced that is provided by the Netbeans platform (I think there's no javaee-api-7.0.jar available yet?)

Does somebody know the reason for this warning and how I can get rid of it ?

Any help highly appreciated - many thanks in advance.

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salocinx Avatar asked Apr 30 '13 12:04


2 Answers

It seems (I think) that the eclipseLink annotation processing for JPA is up-to-date until Java 6. You could make a Java 6 library with the JPA sources, and only there use eclipseLink annotation processing. Having a library never hurts, and later you may upgrade to Java 7 independantly.

Can't image using much Java 7 functionality in the JPA sources.

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Joop Eggen Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 21:10

Joop Eggen

Java version 7 has more features as compared to Java 6. In netbeans, go to Tools-->Java Platforms and check whether your netbeans ponts to the latest version of JAVA.

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Noopur Phalak Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 19:10

Noopur Phalak