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Java string encrypt

I am using the encryption class in Objective C for my iPhone app but I am struggling to get the same functionality working in JAVA from my android app. My encryption code is below:

NSString * _secret = @"password";
NSString * _key = @"1428324560542678";

StringEncryption *crypto = [[StringEncryption alloc] init];
NSData *_secretData = [_secret dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
CCOptions padding = kCCOptionPKCS7Padding;
NSData *encryptedData = [crypto encrypt:_secretData key:[_key dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] padding:&padding];

I have tried to replicate it in JAVA but I get a different string when I encode the same data. So I am doing something wrong but I can't figure it out. Here is my JAVA code:

byte[] key = "1428324560542678".getBytes();

Cipher c = null;
            try {
                c = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS7Padding");
            } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            } catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

SecretKeySpec k =  new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES");
            try {
                c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, k);
            } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    try {
        EditText tv1passwordText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.password);
        String password = URLEncoder.encode(tv1passwordText.getText().toString(), "UTF-8");

            byte[] encryptedData = c.doFinal( password.getBytes());

Can anyone see where I am going wrong?

Based on the comments below I added getBytes but the strings produced are still different:

byte[] key = null;
            try {
                key = "1428324560542678".getBytes("UTF-8");
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e2) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

            Cipher c = null;
            try {
                c = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS7Padding");
            } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            } catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

            SecretKeySpec k =  new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES");
            try {
                c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, k);
            } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

            try {
                EditText tv1passwordText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.password);

                byte[] password = tv1passwordText.getText().toString().getBytes("UTF-8");

                byte[] encryptedData = c.doFinal(password);
like image 886
user1661369 Avatar asked Apr 11 '13 15:04


1 Answers

Here is a sample of encryption and decryption:

public static SecretKey generateKey() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {
    return secret = new SecretKeySpec(password.getBytes(), "AES");

public static byte[] encryptMsg(String message, SecretKey secret) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidKeyException, InvalidParameterSpecException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
/* Encrypt the message. */
    Cipher cipher = null;
    cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding");
    cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secret);
    byte[] cipherText = cipher.doFinal(message.getBytes("UTF-8"));
    return cipherText;

public static String decryptMsg(byte[] cipherText, SecretKey secret) throws NoSuchPaddingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidParameterSpecException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, InvalidKeyException, BadPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException, UnsupportedEncodingException {

    /* Decrypt the message, given derived encContentValues and initialization vector. */
    Cipher cipher = null;
    cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding");
   cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secret);
    String decryptString = new String(cipher.doFinal(cipherText), "UTF-8");
    return decryptString;

To encrypt:

    SecretKey secret = EncUtil.generateKey();
    EncUtil.encryptMsg(<String to Encrypt>, secret))

to decrypt

    EncUtil.decryptMsg(<byte[]>, secret))
like image 155
wangyif2 Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 19:11
