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Media: Play WAV file inside JAR




There is only one constructor of the Media-class: public Media(java.lang.String source) see http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/api/javafx/scene/media/Media.html#Media%28java.lang.String%29

This constructor gets a URI as string. I have a JavaFX project and put a WAV file inside this project. When I deploy the project as a JAR, I can see (with 7-Zip for example), that the WAV file is also exported. There is no problem to get the content with


But what is the correct URI to refer this WAV file inside the deployed JAR for the Media constructor? The URI

new Media("jar:.!/resources/test.wav")

doesnt work. The URI "jar:resources/test.wav" fails too (becouse there is no reference to the JAR file).

Does anybody have an idea about the correct URI?

like image 539
Vertex Avatar asked Mar 27 '13 14:03


1 Answers

try this one out

new Media(MyApplicationClass.class.getResource("/resources/test.wav").toURI().toString())

Media accepts jar uris so it should work fine

like image 155
Ion Cojocaru Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 09:11

Ion Cojocaru