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Why do I get a "Too many local constants" error?

Delphi 2009 complains with an E2283 error: [DCC Error] outputcode.pas(466): E2283 Too many local constants. Use shorter procedures

Delphi 2007 compiles just fine. I can't find an abundance of local constants, it's a short (500 line) unit. Do you see any abundance of constants or literals I can address?

procedure TOutputCodeForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
   poParser : TStringStream;

   if ( IsWindowsVista() )  then
      SetVistaFonts( self );

   poParser := TStringStream.Create( gstrSQLParser );

   SQLParser := TSyntaxMemoParser.Create( self );
   SQLParser.RegistryKey := '\Software\Advantage Data Architect\SQLSyntaxMemo';
   SQLParser.UseRegistry := True;
   SQLParser.CompileFromStream( poParser );

   FreeAndNil( poParser );
   poParser := TStringStream.Create( gstrCPPParser );

   cppParser := TSyntaxMemoParser.Create( self );
   cppParser.RegistryKey := '\Software\Advantage Data Architect\SQLSyntaxMemo';
   cppParser.UseRegistry := True;
   cppParser.CompileFromStream( poParser );

   FreeAndNil( poParser );
   poParser := TStringStream.Create( gstrPasParser );

   pasParser := TSyntaxMemoParser.Create( self );
   pasParser.RegistryKey := '\Software\Advantage Data Architect\SQLSyntaxMemo';
   pasParser.Script := ExtractFilePath( Application.ExeName ) + 'pasScript.txt';
   pasParser.CompileFromStream( poParser );

   {* Free the stream since we are finished with it. *}
   FreeAndNil( poParser );

   poCodeOutput := TSyntaxMemo.Create( self );
   poCodeOutput.Parent := Panel1;
   poCodeOutput.Left := 8;
   poCodeOutput.Top := 8;
   poCodeOutput.Width := Panel1.Width - 16;
   poCodeOutput.Height := Panel1.Height - 16;
   poCodeOutput.ClipCopyFormats := [smTEXT, smRTF];
   poCodeOutput.Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET;
   poCodeOutput.Font.Color := clWindowText;
   poCodeOutput.Font.Height := -11;
   poCodeOutput.Font.Name := 'Courier New';
   poCodeOutput.Font.Style := [];
   poCodeOutput.GutterFont.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET;
   poCodeOutput.GutterFont.Color := clWindowText;
   poCodeOutput.GutterFont.Height := -11;
   poCodeOutput.GutterFont.Name := 'MS Sans Serif';
   poCodeOutput.GutterFont.Style := [];
   poCodeOutput.HyperCursor := crDefault;
   poCodeOutput.IndentStep := 1;
   poCodeOutput.Margin := 2;
   poCodeOutput.Modified := False;
   poCodeOutput.MonoPrint := True;
   poCodeOutput.Options := [smoSyntaxHighlight, smoPrintWrap, smoPrintLineNos, smoPrintFilename, smoPrintDate, smoPrintPageNos, smoAutoIndent, smoTabToColumn, smoWordSelect, smoShowRMargin, smoShowGutter, smoShowWrapColumn, smoTitleAsFilename, smoProcessDroppedFiles, smoBlockOverwriteCursor, smoShowWrapGlyph, smoColumnTrack, smoUseTAB, smoSmartFill, smoOLEDragSource];
   poCodeOutput.ReadOnly := False;
   poCodeOutput.RightMargin := 80;
   poCodeOutput.SaveFormat := sfTEXT;
   poCodeOutput.ScrollBars := ssBoth;
   poCodeOutput.SelLineStyle := lsCRLF;
   poCodeOutput.SelStart := 3;
   poCodeOutput.SelLength := 0;
   poCodeOutput.SelTextColor := clWhite;
   poCodeOutput.SelTextBack := clBlack;
   poCodeOutput.TabDefault := 4;
   poCodeOutput.TabOrder := 0;
   poCodeOutput.VisiblePropEdPages := [ppOPTIONS, ppHIGHLIGHTING, ppKEYS, ppAUTOCORRECT, ppTEMPLATES];
   poCodeOutput.WrapAtColumn := 0;
   poCodeOutput.OnKeyDown := FormKeyDown;
   poCodeOutput.ActiveParser := 3;
   poCodeOutput.Anchors := [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom];
   poCodeOutput.Parser1 := pasParser;
   poCodeOutput.Parser2 := cppParser;
   poCodeOutput.Parser3 := SQLParser;

   SQLParser.AttachEditor( poCodeOutput );
   cppParser.AttachEditor( poCodeOutput );
   pasParser.AttachEditor( poCodeOutput );

   poCodeOutput.Lines.AddStrings( poCode );

   if ( CodeType = ctCPP ) then
      poCodeOutput.ActiveParser := 2
   else if ( CodeType = ctPascal ) then
      poCodeOutput.ActiveParser := 1
      poCodeOutput.ActiveParser := 3;

   MainForm.AdjustFormSize( self, 0.95, 0.75 );
like image 201
Jeremy Mullin Avatar asked Oct 28 '08 17:10

Jeremy Mullin

2 Answers

Is Win32 defined, could the constants be from all the included units.

i would do a binary search: keep tearing half the unit out until it compiles, then add stuff back in.

Yes it sucks, but that's one of the features of trying to debug BorlandCodeGaembarcadero's internal compiler errors.

like image 51
Ian Boyd Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 20:11

Ian Boyd

Before claiming it's a compiler bug or asking for help, I would seriously try to organize and clean my code.

I would create dedicated routines to be called for each part in FormCreate instead of this massive bag of yours. - SQLParseInit
- cppParseInit
- pasParseInit
- CodeOutPutInit <-+++++ a lot of constants there

And see if 1 in particular is causing problems.

And it would be not bad to build a minimal case, with as few 3rd party dependencies as possible, to allow others to reproduce it, and see if it is indeed a bug or just bad code.
And also remove those $IFDEF... Just provide the actual code that causes this behavior without all the clutter.

Added: As it works in D2007, but not in D2009, I would also double check that all the libraries/3rd party components that you include in your code are correctly migrated to D2009. (drill down that cppParser)

like image 33
Francesca Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 20:11
