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How can I Create folders recursively in Delphi?

Need some help in creating function which can create folders recursively with giving path:


Delphi function MkDir returning IOerror = 3.

like image 984
Andrew Rumm Avatar asked Jul 12 '10 18:07

Andrew Rumm

2 Answers



(This is a standard RTL function, found in SysUtils.pas. Hence you do not need to create your own function, even though that wouldn't have been difficult.)

like image 158
Andreas Rejbrand Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Andreas Rejbrand

SysUtils is obsolete now and ForceDirectories is not UNC aware!

There is a new library in since Delphi XE7 (or even earlyer?) called IOUtils.
IOUtils is cross-platform compatible and UNC aware.

function ForceDirectories(FullPath: string): Boolean;   // Works with UNC paths
  Result:= DirectoryExists(FullPath);

Note: The function is from Delphi LightSaber library. There are several other similar I/O functions there (like ListFilesOf(Folder)).

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Server Overflow Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Server Overflow