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Why do I get a compilation error?

I am using GCC 4.8 to compile the following code:

#include <memory>

template<typename T, typename ...Args>
    std::unique_ptr<T> make_unique(Args&& ...args) {
    return std::unique_ptr<T>(new T{std::forward<Args>(args)...});

struct S {
    template<class... Args>
    static std::unique_ptr<S> create(Args&&... args) {
        return make_unique<S>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
private: // if I remove this line, then the compilation is OK
    S(int) {}
    S() = default;

int main() {
    auto s1 = S::create(); // OK
    auto s2 = S::create(0); // Compilation error

Can anyone explain me the reason of this error from the compiler?

main.cpp: In instantiation of 'std::unique_ptr make_unique(Args&& ...) [with T = S; Args = {int}]':

main.cpp:11:58: required from 'static std::unique_ptr S::create(Args&& ...) [with Args = {int}]'

main.cpp:20:26: required from here

main.cpp:14:5: error: 'S::S(int)' is private

 S(int) {}

main.cpp:5:65: error: within this context return std::unique_ptr(new T{std::forward(args)...});

like image 392
Martin Avatar asked Apr 23 '14 10:04


People also ask

How do you avoid compilation errors?

1. Understand the language well. Arrays decay to pointers in both C and C++, but not always as can be seen from the above example. One of the most important ways to avoid compilation failures in any language is to understand the language well.

What is compilation error with example?

Compiler errors are due to inaccuracies in code, where the compiler throws an error to alert you to something which will not compile, and therefore cannot be run. An example of a compiler error would be: int = "this is not an int"; Hope that helps.

Is compilation error a bug?

It was not a compiler bug. It was caused by a misunderstanding of the way arguments to unprototyped functions were automatically promoted. This is actually a subtle point, obscure and easily misunderstood. Most examples I have seen of people blaming the compiler are much sillier.

1 Answers

Can anyone explain me the reason of this error from the compiler?

The constructor which takes int is declared to be private which is why it is giving compilation error. Note that the constructor is getting invoked from make_unique (which doesn't have access to private members), not from create.

However, you're probably wondering why the first call to to create() compiles fine, I think it is because GCC has bug. It should not compile even in this case, because the default constructor is declared to be private as well. Clang correctly gives error for both calls (see this).

Anyway, if you want to keep them private, then make make_unique a friend of the class.

like image 57
Nawaz Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 20:10
