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C++ classes use of double colon [duplicate]



I am learning C++. Now I don't fully understand what this does

Some_Class::Some_Class {

I would do some research for myself, but I'm not sure where to begin or what's it called. Help would be appreciated.

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user2444217 Avatar asked Jun 28 '13 20:06


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2 Answers

The :: resolves either a class or namespace.

For example

namespace test1 { int i = 0; }
cout << test1::i << endl;


class test2 { 
     static int i = 0; 
 // after in
cout << test2::i << endl;

You can also add this:

using namespace test1;
cout << i << endl;
like image 170
Captain Skyhawk Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 14:10

Captain Skyhawk

There's no way to say what it is, since the "code" you posted is invalid and ambiguous.

  • It could be a nested class definition made in out-of-class fashion. When you define nested classes, you can immediately define the inner class inside, as in

    class Some_Class {   // <- definition of the outer class
      class SomeClass {  // <- definition of the inner class

    Or, if you prefer, you can only declare the nested class inside, and move the actual definition outside

    class Some_Class {   // <- definition of the outer class
      class SomeClass;   // <- declaration of the inner class
    class Some_Class::SomeClass { // <- definition of the inner class

    However, for that it has to begin with class/struct, which is not present in what you posted.

  • Or it could be a definition of member function SomeClass of class Some_Class.

    class Some_Class {
      void SomeClass(int i);          // <- declaration of member function
    void Some_Class::SomeClass(int i) // <- definition of member function

    But for that it has to include return type and parameter list.

  • Or it could be a definition of a static member with {}-enclosed initializer

    class Some_Class {
      static int SomeClass;
    int Some_Class::SomeClass { 42 };

    But for that it has to include static member's type.

In other words, there's no way to say what it is you posted and what your question is really about.

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AnT Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 13:10