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What's an Aggregate Root?

I'm trying to get my head around how to properly use the repository pattern. The central concept of an Aggregate Root keeps coming up. When searching both the web and Stack Overflow for help with what an aggregate root is, I keep finding discussions about them and dead links to pages that are supposed to contain base definitions.

In the context of the repository pattern, what is an aggregate root?

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Dinah Avatar asked Dec 24 '09 15:12


People also ask

How do you find the aggregate root?

One good way of identifying the aggregate root is to use the "delete" test. In your domain if you delete the root, what is deleted with it? This way you can identify domain object ownership, which is a trait of Aggregates.

Is an aggregate root an entity?

Thus, the aggregate root must be an entity, not a value object, so that it can be persisted to and from a data store using its ID. This is important, since it means the aggregate root can be certain that other parts of the system are not fetching its children, modifying them, and saving them without its knowledge.

What is aggregate root in event sourcing?

An Event Sourced Aggregate Root The aggregate root can be thought of as a number of functions that take value objects as arguments, execute the business logic and return events. Important: This means we never have any getters or expose the aggregate root's internal state in any way!

What is an aggregate in Microservices?

In IT industry, aggregator refers to a website or program that collects related items of data and displays them. So, in microservices the Aggregator Design Pattern is a service that receives a request, then makes requests of multiple services, combines the results and responds to the initiating request.

2 Answers

In the context of the repository pattern, aggregate roots are the only objects your client code loads from the repository.

The repository encapsulates access to child objects - from a caller's perspective it automatically loads them, either at the same time the root is loaded or when they're actually needed (as with lazy loading).

For example, you might have an Order object which encapsulates operations on multiple LineItem objects. Your client code would never load the LineItem objects directly, just the Order that contains them, which would be the aggregate root for that part of your domain.

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Jeff Sternal Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 12:10

Jeff Sternal

From Evans DDD:

An AGGREGATE is a cluster of associated objects that we treat as a unit for the purpose of data changes. Each AGGREGATE has a root and a boundary. The boundary defines what is inside the AGGREGATE. The root is a single, specific ENTITY contained in the AGGREGATE.


The root is the only member of the AGGREGATE that outside objects are allowed to hold references to[.]

This means that aggregate roots are the only objects that can be loaded from a repository.

An example is a model containing a Customer entity and an Address entity. We would never access an Address entity directly from the model as it does not make sense without the context of an associated Customer. So we could say that Customer and Address together form an aggregate and that Customer is an aggregate root.

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jason Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10
