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Is there a Java equivalent or methodology for the typedef keyword in C++?

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What is equivalent to typedef in Java?

In one line, There is nothing in Java which is equivalent to typedef of C++. In Java, class is used to name and construct types or we can say that class is the combined function of C++'s struct and typedef.

What is the typedef keyword in C?

typedef is a reserved keyword in the programming languages C and C++. It is used to create an additional name (alias) for another data type, but does not create a new type, except in the obscure case of a qualified typedef of an array type where the typedef qualifiers are transferred to the array element type.

Is typedef C or C++?

The Typedef Keyword in C and C++ The typedef keyword allows the programmer to create new names for types such as int or, more commonly in C++, templated types--it literally stands for "type definition".

What is typedef explain with example in C?

typedef is used to define new data type names to make a program more readable to the programmer. For example: | main() | main() { | { int money; | typedef int Pounds; money = 2; | Pounds money = 2 } | } These examples are EXACTLY the same to the compiler.

Java has primitive types, objects and arrays and that's it. No typedefs.

If this is what you mean, you can simply extend the class you would like to typedef, e.g.:

public class MyMap extends HashMap<String, String> {}

There is no typedef in java as of 1.6, what you can do is make a wrapper class for what you want since you can't subclass final classes (Integer, Double, etc)

As others have mentioned before,
There is no typedef mechanism in Java.
I also do not support "fake classes" in general, but there should not be a general strict rule of thumb here:
If your code for example uses over and over and over a "generic based type" for example:

Map<String, List<Integer>> 

You should definitely consider having a subclass for that purpose.
Another approach one can consider, is for example to have in your code a deceleration like:

//@Alias Map<String, List<Integer>>  NameToNumbers;

And then use in your code NameToNumbers and have a pre compiler task (ANT/Gradle/Maven) to process and generate relevant java code.
I know that to some of the readers of this answer this might sound strange, but this is how many frameworks implemented "annotations" prior to JDK 5, this is what project lombok is doing and other frameworks.