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What ReSharper 4+ live templates for C# do you use? [closed]

People also ask

Where are ReSharper templates stored?

All predefined templates are stored in the ReSharper installation. All necessary modifications, including deletion of predefined templates, are saved in settings layers.

What are code templates?

Code templates are prewritten snippets of code provided by NetBeans IDE. You can paste a snippet into your code by using code completion or the template's abbreviation followed by the Tab key. You can also surround your code with appropriate PHP snippets. Finally, you can define your own code templates.

How do I use live Webstorm templates?

Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select Editor | Live Templates. Select the template group where you want to create a new live template (for example, other). If you do not select a template group, the live template will be added to the user group. and select Live Template.

Is predefined template to insert or surround existing code with common data structures and statements?

Telerik® JustCode™ comes with a number of predefined templates to insert or surround existing code with common data structures and statements. To learn about code templates take a look at the Code Templates topic.

Simple Lambda

So simple, so useful - a little lambda:

Shortcut: x

Available: C# where expression is allowed.

x => x.$END$

Macros: none.

Implement 'Dispose(bool)' Method

Implement Joe Duffy's Dispose Pattern

Shortcut: dispose

Available in: C# 2.0+ files where type member declaration is allowed

public void Dispose()

protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
    if (!disposed)
        if (disposing)
            if ($MEMBER$ != null)
                $MEMBER$ = null;

        disposed = true;


private bool disposed;

Macros properties:

  • MEMBER - Suggest variable of System.IDisposable - Editable Occurence #1
  • CLASS - Containing type name

Create new unit test fixture for some type

Shortcut: ntf
Available in: C# 2.0+ files where type member declaration or namespace declaration is allowed

public sealed class $TypeToTest$Tests
    public void $Test$()
        var t = new $TypeToTest$()


  • TypeToTest - none - #2
  • Test - none - V

Check if a string is null or empty.

If you're using .Net 4 you may prefer to use string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace().

Shortcut: sne

Available in: C# 2.0+ where expression is allowed.


Macro properties:

  • VAR - suggest a variable of type string. Editible = true.