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What optimization technique does ghci use to speed up recursive map?

Say I have the following function:

minc = map (+1)
natural = 1:minc natural

It seems like it unfolds like this:


Although it's lazily evaluated, to build each new number n in the list is has to unfold an expression n times which gives us O(N^2) complexity. But by the execution time I can see that the real complexity is still linear!

Which optimization does Haskell use in this case and how does it unfold this expression?

like image 762
egdmitry Avatar asked Mar 16 '23 20:03


1 Answers

The list of naturals is being shared between each recursive step. The graph is evaluated like this.

1:map (+1) _
 ^         |

1: (2 : map (+1) _)
      ^          |

1: (2 : (3 : map (+1) _)
           ^          |

This sharing means that the code uses O(n) time rather than the expected O(N^2).

like image 114
Alex Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 15:04
