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Is there such a thing as a 'not' constraint operator?

Say I want to write a function for flattening lists, lists of lists, lists of lists of lists, etc. to just lists. I could write the following:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
class Flattenable a where
  type Flattened a
  flatten :: a -> Flattened a

instance NotFlattenable a => Flattenable [a] where
  type Flattened [a] = [a]
  flatten = id

instance Flattenable a => Flattenable [a] where
  type Flattened [a] = Flattened a
  flatten = concat . map flatten

Where NotFlattenable a is some constraint restricting to those a without an instance of Flattenable. Is NotFlattenable a legitimate constraint? How would I go about writing it? (Note that the absence of a NotFlattenable constraint would make the two instances overlap)

like image 858
Josh Kirklin Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 16:03

Josh Kirklin

1 Answers

No, this isn't possible since Haskell's type classes are always open: the compiler can never prove some instance does not exist, since somebody might still add it any time later.

like image 163
leftaroundabout Avatar answered Mar 20 '23 05:03
