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Implementation of `sequence` with `ap`



Applicative Programming with Effects, the paper from McBride and Paterson, mentions the sequence function:

sequence :: [IO a ] -> IO [a ]
sequence []       = return []
sequence (c : cs) = return (:) `ap` c `ap` sequence cs

where ap's type is:

ap :: Monad m => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b

I'm trying to understand the types of the last line's right-side.

How do the types unify (I think that's the correct wording) for return (:) 'ap' c 'ap' sequence cs?

It's not clear to me how return (:) matches ap's first argument m (a -> b).

ghci> :t return (:)
return (:) :: Monad m => m (a -> [a] -> [a])
like image 800
Kevin Meredith Avatar asked Mar 17 '23 18:03

Kevin Meredith

1 Answers

The answer is... currying! The first argument to ap has type m (a -> b), so the function expects a value of type a and will product a value of type b. One possible thing that b could be is another function (i.e. b could be unified with [a] -> [a]). So, we line things up and get

ap         :: Monad m => m (a -> b         ) -> m a -> m b
return (:) :: Monad m => m (a -> [a] -> [a])

The ap function performs application of a function in some context (in this case a monad) to a value in that context, it just so happens that it is often used to perform a sequence of partial applications.

like image 157
sabauma Avatar answered Mar 29 '23 00:03
