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What is this history window in vim called?

Sometime when I execute a vim command, a history like window appears out of nowhere. Anyone knows what it does, what it's called and how to make it appear?


like image 729
Maciej Goszczycki Avatar asked Apr 19 '13 17:04

Maciej Goszczycki

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What is vim history?

History. Vim's forerunner, Stevie (ST Editor for VI Enthusiasts), was created by Tim Thompson for the Atari ST in 1987 and further developed by Tony Andrews and G.R. (Fred) Walter. Basing his work on Stevie, Bram Moolenaar began working on Vim for the Amiga computer in 1988, with the first public release (Vim v1.

How do I find vim history?

To search the specific previous command in the command line prompt, use : and your search key. For example; type :p and then press the upper arrow key. It will search the command that starts with p and display those commands for you. You can scroll through the history by using up and down arrow keys.

What is GG in vim?

gg. Jumps to top of file. 1G. Jumps to top of file. 23G​jumps to 23rd line in file.

1 Answers

It is called the command-line window

:h command-line-window

You can bring it via <c-f> while on the prompt or q: in normal mode

:h q:
like image 153
Peter Rincker Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09

Peter Rincker