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How can I call an editor command from a vimscript?



I want to remove an unwanted scrollbar from taglist. I created a function and a command like this:

function s:TlistWaToggle()
    normal :TlistToggle<cr> " <- this does not work
    set guioptions-=r

command! -nargs=0 -bar TlistWaToggle call s:TlistWaToggle()

I want to wrap the call to :TlistToggle together with the command to remove the right scrollbar (I have that setting of course, but it always reappears, so this is a workaround). Currently my :TlistWaToggle doesn't do anything. How can I make it work?

like image 945
Tamás Szelei Avatar asked Oct 02 '11 14:10

Tamás Szelei

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1 Answers

Vim script uses ex commands, and apparently :TlistToggle is an ex command…

function! s:TlistWaToggle()
    set guioptions-=r
like image 55
sidyll Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 17:10
