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Display a ordered VIM keyboard mapping



Is there any away to show a ordered list of all keyboard mappings of my current vim environment, like this:

a: append
b: back one word
c: ...

---- Ctrl mappings ----
<C-a> (I dont know...)
<C-p> Default mode for CrtlP

---- Alt mappings ----

This will be very useful for me.

like image 473
daniloisr Avatar asked Dec 21 '12 12:12


1 Answers

:map and :verbose map show you a list of the mappings defined in your session, but they are not ordered like that. AFAIK, Vim doesn't provide such a nice formatting: you'll have to write a custom function for that, I'm afraid.


Also, note that a, b and friends are not "mappings" in the sense that CtrlP's <C-p> is a mapping. :map won't show them at all.

So your idea, while interesting, is probably not something that can be done with a one liner. You could pull info from :h index, add the result of :map and try to arrange all of that in an order that makes sense to you but it doesn't seem to be a trivial task. It sounds like a perfect fit for a python/ruby/php script, doesn't it?


like image 121
romainl Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 13:11
