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What is the equivalent of static methods in ColdFusion?

In C#, I created static methods to help me perform simple operations. For example:

public static class StringHelper
    public static string Reverse(string input)
        // reverse string
        return reversedInput;

Then in a controller, I would call it by simply using:


Now I'm using ColdFusion with Model Glue, and I'd like to do the same thing. However, it seems like there's no concept of static methods in ColdFusion. If I create a CFC like this:

component StringHelper
    public string function Reverse(string input)
        // reverse string
        return reversedInput;

Can I only call this method by creating an instance of StringHelper in the controller, like this:

component Controller
    public void function Reverse()
        var input = event.getValue("input");
        var stringHelper = new StringHelper();
        var reversedString = stringHelper.Reverse(input);
        event.setValue("reversedstring", reversedString);

Or is there some place where I can put 'static' CFCs that the framework will create an instance of behind the scenes so I can use it as if it was static, kind of like how the helpers folder works?

like image 759
Daniel T. Avatar asked Sep 02 '11 19:09

Daniel T.

2 Answers

CFML in year 2021+ supports STATIC methods and STATIC variables because now Adobe has implemented it in ColdFusion 2021 (Lucee supported it since 5.0). Here is a code example of a component named Cube.cfc and a index.cfm file which uses static methods that I used in this other SO thread. I'm adding this information here for completeness.

A CFC component named Cube.cfc

component displayname="Cube" accessors ="true" {
    // class properties
    property name="name" type="string";
    property name="model" type="string";
    property name="borderColor" type="string";
    property name="material" type="string";
    property name="dimension" type="struct";
    // set static varibales
    static { 
        private models =[ "model-a",  "model-b", "model-c" ];
        private modelNameMaterialMapping ={
            "model-a": "wood",
            "model-b": "steel",
            "model-c": "silver"
        private modelNameDimensionsMapping ={
            "model-a": {"height": 100, "length": 100, "width": 100 },
            "model-b": {"height": 133, "length": 133, "width": 133 },
            "model-c": {"height": 85, "length": 85, "width": 85 }


    public any function init( 
        string name,
        string borderColor,
        string model

        setName( arguments.name );
        setBorderColor( arguments.borderColor );
        setModel( arguments.model );
        setMaterial(  static.getMaterialByModelName( arguments.model ) );
        setDimension( static.getDimensionByModelName( arguments.model ) );
        return this;

    public static string function getMaterialByModelName( string modelName  ){

        return static.modelNameMaterialMapping[ arguments.modelName ];


    public static struct function getDimensionByModelName( string modelName  ){

        return static.modelNameDimensionsMapping[ arguments.modelName ];


    public static string function isValidModel( string model ){

        return static.models.contains( arguments.model );



And a index.cfm file that calls the static methods:


    // loop through model information without having any object instantiated by calling static functions
    for( model in modelsForChecking){
        if( Cube::isValidModel( model )){
            writeOutput("Cube ""#model#"" is valid.<br>");
            writeOutput( "Cube models ""#model#"" are made of ""#Cube::getMaterialByModelName( model )#"" and a dimension of ""#Cube::getDimensionByModelName( model ).width#x#Cube::getDimensionByModelName( model ).length#x#Cube::getDimensionByModelName( model ).height#""<br>");
            writeOutput("Cube ""#model#"" is NOT a valid model.<br>");

    //intantiate a specific cube object with the name "CubeOne";
    writeOutput( "Instantiate an object with the component:<br>");
    CubeOne=new Cube("CubeOne", "white", "model-c" );
    // dump properties of the specific cube "CubeOne"
    writeDump( CubeOne );

    // get width with the accesso getter for property dimension for the cube named "CubeOne"
    writeOutput("""CubeOne"" has a width of #CubeOne.getDimension().width# <br>");
like image 142
AndreasRu Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 09:10


Nope, you are correct, there is no concept of static methods in ColdFusion. I think most would solve this problem through the use a singleton utilities in the application scope that are create when the application starts. So in your App.cfc in onApplication start you might have:

<cfset application.StringHelper = createObject("component", "path.to.StringHelper") />

Then when you needed to call it from anywhere you would use:

<cfset reversedString = application.StringHelper.reverse(string) />

Yeah, it's not as clean as static methods. Maybe someday we could have something like them. But right now I think this is as close as you will get.

like image 32
Jason Dean Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 09:10

Jason Dean