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What is the Difference between a Light, Medium or Heavy utilization Reserved instances on EC2?

They talk about the different utilization instances, but I can't find a single place that actually states what the difference is between a light utilization Large instance or a heavy utilization Large instance other than price. Can someone please tell me what the difference is?

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Adam Avatar asked Jun 12 '12 17:06


People also ask

What is heavy usage in AWS?

For their description look here: EC2 Reserved Instance Options, however note that the Light and Medium options are no longer available. Essentially the heavy utilization means that your instance is running 24/7. It doesn't matter how busy the instance was, only that it was on.

What are the different types of reserved instances?

The offering class of a Reserved Instance is either Standard or Convertible. A Standard Reserved Instance provides a more significant discount than a Convertible Reserved Instance, but you can't exchange a Standard Reserved Instance.

What are the three types of EC2 instances?

They are On-Demand Instances, Reserved Instances, Spot Instances, and Savings Plans. Amazon also offers the additional option of Amazon EC2 Dedicated Hosts.

What is the difference between EC2 Dedicated Instances and Reserved Instances?

Dedicated instances may share hardware with other instances from the same AWS account that are not Dedicated instances. Pay for Dedicated Instances On-Demand, save up to 70% by purchasing Reserved Instances, or save up to 90% by purchasing Spot Instances.

2 Answers

The instances are the same. It's just a pricing difference so you can save money if you know you will be using the instance a lot, by paying an upfront cost.

You pay more up front for a heavier utilization instance, but you save more in the long run assuming you have it running all the time, because the hourly rate is cheaper.

So it's just a matter of how much you will be using the instance (having it running) that determines which type is the best value for you. If it will be on all the time for a year or 3 years, then a heavy utilization is definitely the cheapest option.

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Paul Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09


on demand, light, medium, and heavy offer different up-front vs hourly costs, with progressively higher up-front costs, and lower per-hour costs..

according to http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/reserved-instances/

Light Utilization RIs – The break-even point for a Light Utilization Linux RI (vs. On-Demand Instances) is 28% for a 1-year term or 11% of a 3-year term. If you expect to use your instance more than that, an RI will save you money.

Medium Utilization RIs – The break-even point for a Medium Utilization Linux RI (vs. Light Utilization Reserved Instances) is 41% for a 1-year term or 19% of a 3-year term.

Heavy Utilization RIs – The break-even point for a Heavy Utilization Linux RIs (vs. Medium Utilization Reserved Instances) is 56% for a 1-year term or 35% of a 3-year term.

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Andrew Hill Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09

Andrew Hill