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How to set up custom domain for an app on Amazon EC2?

I am new in the Amazon EC2 world, I just created an app, that is located URL like this:


This is generated URL by Amazon EC2.

Now I would need to use my own domain name, so when I would access www.my-domain-name.com, I would like to see the content from


I bought the domain name on Godaddy. Is there any way to do this in Amazon AWS dashboard or do I need to set it up in Godaddy system?


like image 861
user984621 Avatar asked Aug 22 '13 11:08


People also ask

How do I add an existing domain to AWS?

Open the Route 53 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/route53/ . In the navigation pane, choose Registered Domains. Choose Transfer Domain. Enter the name of the domain for which you want to transfer registration to Route 53, and choose Check.

How do I add my own domain to app Engine?

In the Google Cloud console, go to the Custom Domains tab of the App Engine Settings page. Click Add a custom domain. If your domain is already verified, the domain appears in the Select the domain you want to use section. Select the domain from the drop-down menu and click Continue.

1 Answers

I am answering on a more general level because I stumbled upon this thread when setting my custom domain.

In Amazon I created an instance and associated an IP to that instance. You were able to access it by typing in the amazon url


I actually used Media Temple not GoDaddy, but it will be similar. I went to the zone file and added that public url to the www

zone file

And as you can see, here is my blog actually working on the custom domain.

custom domain

I set the wildcard because that way, no matter what someone types, if it is not set, then they will still see the site.

enter image description here


For the root URL you should be entering your elastic IP and setting that as an A record.

like image 101
JGallardo Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09
