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Installing g++ 5 on Amazon Linux

I'm trying to install g++ 5.x on an EC2 instance running Amazon Linux; in Amazon's central repository the latest version is 4.8.3. What configuration to can I make to allow yum to find a newer gcc-c++ package?

console log

like image 754
Lukas Palmer Avatar asked Jul 04 '16 16:07

Lukas Palmer

People also ask

Do Amazon devices use Linux?

Amazon Echo devices are already Linux-powered albeit running on Amazon's own modified Linux kernel.

What Linux is Amazon Linux based on?

Based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Amazon Linux stands out thanks to its tight integration with many Amazon Web Services (AWS) services, long-term support, and a compiler, build toolchain, and LTS Kernel tuned for better performance on Amazon EC2.

1 Answers

Late to the party, but for those like me:

sudo yum install gcc72 gcc72-c++

like image 170
OronNavon Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 10:09
