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How to transfer files to Amazon EC2 instance from my Windows 7 computer? [closed]

I want to be able to transfer a number of files (html, php, jpg, etc...) to my Amazon EC2 instance that I'm hosting my web server on. What is the easiest or most effective way to do this?

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cfrederich Avatar asked Jun 13 '11 14:06


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Amazon WorkSpaces is our managed virtual desktop service in the cloud. You can easily provision cloud-based desktops and allow users to access your applications and resources from any supported device.

1 Answers

The simplest way is to install an FTP service on your EC2 host, open port 21 in the firewall and Security Group, and use your FTP client of choice on Win7 to push the data up.

For bonus points, use SFTP instead over port 22. You don't mention the EC2 host OS, but if it's Windows you can use msftpsvr on the host and FileZilla on Win7.

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Eight-Bit Guru Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 22:09

Eight-Bit Guru