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What is the correct syntax for a Flyway connection string to SQL Server?

Running SQL Server 2012 Express on a remote machine, trying to get Flyway up and running. I have a database on pcesqldev.pce.local called Hawk (dbo.Hawk, if that matters) that I want to connect to, and the template from the config file looks like this:

SQL Server        : jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<host>:<port>/<database>

Note, this is different from other jdbc connection strings I have used with other products - most of them do not include the jtds portion and do include the instance name.

Here's a few connection strings that I have tried, all of which failed:

  • flyway.url=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://pcesqldev.pce.local:1433/Hawk

    Network error IOException: Connection refused: connect

  • flyway.url=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://pcesqldev.pce.local\SQLEXPRESS:1433/Hawk

    Unknown server host name 'pcesqldev.pce.local\SQLEXPRESS'

  • flyway.url=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://pcesqldev.pce.local/SQLEXPRESS:1433/Hawk

    Network error IOException: Connection refused: connect

  • flyway.url=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://pcesqldev.pce.local:1433/SQLEXPRESS\Hawk

    Network error IOException: Connection refused: connect

What am I missing? There must be something obvious, but I can't see it.

Before anybody asks, yes we do have TCP access to the database enabled and it is using port 1433.

like image 986
DaveN59 Avatar asked Jun 26 '15 18:06


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What are SQL connection strings?

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Learn about syntax of connection strings in ADO.NET. The syntax for each provider is documented in its ConnectionString property. Gets or sets the string used to open a SQL Server database. This article describes how to programmatically specify the client network library in the connection string when you connect to a SQL Server database.

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2 Answers

This one got me, and there was not many answers out there on how to format a connection string with an instance name.

Here's what worked for me:

like image 112
tbonz Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09


This did my head in for a bit.

The connection string which I used was this (passed as parameters to flyway on the commandline).

Note also that the mydatabasename needed to already exist.

./flyway migrate -url=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1433/mydatabasename -user=myuser -password=mypassword -baselineVersion=269 -baselineDescription="Base version" -outOfOrder=true -baselineOnMigrate=

A piece that was missing though was that I wasn't running SQL Server Browser and possibly didn't have TCP set up correctly:

From the SQL Server section here. After the installation is complete, enable TCP/IP:

Launch the Sql Server Configuration Manager Go to SQL Server Network Configuration -> Protocols for SQLEXPRESS Enable TCP/IP TCP/IP Properties -> IP Addresses -> IPAll TCP Dynamic Ports: blank TCP Port: 1433 Then enable remote access:

Launch the Sql Server Configuration Manager SQL Server Services -> SQL Server Browser -> Properties -> Service Tab Start Mode: Automatic OK SQL Server Browser -> Start SQL Server -> Restart

like image 38
Damien Sawyer Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09

Damien Sawyer