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SQL Server : recursive update statement

I'm somewhat new to SQL and I am trying to figure out the best way of doing this without hardcoding update statements in SQL Server 2012.

Basically I have a hierarchical table of companies (think of a supply chain) with columns (CompanyID, ParentID, ParentPriceAdj, CompanyPriceAdj). Each company gets assigned a price adjustment by their parent that modifies a list price in the PartMaster table and final price gets calculated by cascading the adjustments from parent to child.

If a parents price adjustment gets updated, I want that to reflect on all of his child companies and so forth


When updating a CompanyPriceAdj for a given updatedcompanyID, I want to recursively find the child CompanyID's (ParentId = updatedCompanyID) and update their ParentPriceAdj to ParentCompany's (parentPriceAdj * (1 + CompanyPriceAdj))

CompanyId     ParentID     ParentPriceAdj    CompanyPriceAdj
  5               6              0.96               .10
  6               8              1                  .20
  7               6              0.96               .15
  8              11              1                   0
 10               6              0.96                0
 11              12              1                   0

I was thinking of using a stored procedure that updates then repeatedly calls itself for every child that was just updated and then subsequently updates his children.... until the company has no children

I've tried looking around couldn't find any examples like this

This is what I have right now

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpdatePricing] 
@updatedCompanyID int, @PriceAdj decimal

    WHILE (Select CompanyID From CompanyInfo Where ParentID = @updatedCompanyID) IS NOT NULL
       UPDATE CompanyInfo 
       SET  ParentPriceAdj = @PriceAdj * (1+CompanyPriceAdj), 
            @updatedCompanyId = CompanyID, 
            @PriceAdj = CompanyPriceAdj         
       WHERE ParentID = @updatedCompanyID

       --- some method to call itself again for each (@updatedCompanyID, @PriceAdj)
like image 247
markymark Avatar asked Jul 08 '13 17:07


People also ask

What is a recursive UPDATE?

A recursive trigger is one that performs an action, such as an update or insert, which invokes itself owing to, say something like an update it performs. Recursion is the process of executing the same task multiple times. There may be chances to hit the Governor Limit with Recursive Trigger.

How do you write a recursive query in SQL Server?

First, execute the anchor member to form the base result set (R0), use this result for the next iteration. Second, execute the recursive member with the input result set from the previous iteration (Ri-1) and return a sub-result set (Ri) until the termination condition is met.

How recursive CTE works in SQL Server?

A recursive CTE references itself. It returns the result subset, then it repeatedly (recursively) references itself, and stops when it returns all the results. FROM cte_name; Again, at the beginning of your CTE is the WITH clause.

What is CTE and recursive CTE in SQL Server?

A Recursive CTE is a CTE that references itself. The CTE repeatedly executes, returns subsets of data, until it returns the complete result set. Syntax. WITH cte_name AS ( cte_query_definition (or) initial query -- Anchor member UNION ALL recursive_query with condition -- Recursive member ) SELECT * FROM cte_name.

2 Answers

Recursive CTE can be used to walk hierarchy, something like:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpdatePricing]
    @companyID int,
    @PriceAdj decimal
    set nocount on

    update CompanyInfo
    set CompanyPriceAdj = @PriceAdj
    where CompanyID = @companyID

    ;with Hierarchy(CompanyID, ParentID, InPriceAdj, OutPriceAdj)
    as (
        select D.CompanyID, D.ParentID, cast(D.ParentPriceAdj as float),
            cast(D.ParentPriceAdj as float) * cast(1 + D.CompanyPriceAdj as float)
        from CompanyInfo D
        where CompanyID = @companyID
        union all
        select D.CompanyID, D.ParentID,
            H.OutPriceAdj, H.OutPriceAdj * (1 + D.CompanyPriceAdj)
        from Hierarchy H
            join CompanyInfo D on D.ParentID = H.CompanyID
    update D
    set D.ParentPriceAdj = H.InPriceAdj
    from CompanyInfo D
        join Hierarchy H on H.CompanyID = D.CompanyID
        D.CompanyID != @companyID

like image 160
i-one Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 17:10


You can use WITH expression in t-sql to get all parent records for given child record. And can update each record in record set accordingly with your logic.

Here are links for WITH expression --



like image 36
Hardik Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 17:10
