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Arithmetic/Logical operation's based on Column value

I want to do arithmetic operation based on my column values. Consider the following example

     cont_sal    INT,
     check_value INT,
     operator    VARCHAR(50)

INSERT #test
VALUES (10,20,'+'),

Expected Result:

cont_sal    check_value result
--------    ----------- ------
10          20          30
20          10          30
10          20          -10
20          10          10

I can do this using CASE statement.

SELECT cont_sal,
         WHEN operator = '+' THEN cont_sal + check_value
         when operator = '-' THEN cont_sal - check_value
       END result
FROM   #test 

But is there any way to do this dynamically. Operator's can be anything like /,%,*. Something like this


SET @sql = 'select cont_sal ' + 'operator'
           + ' check_value from #test '

--PRINT @sql

EXEC Sp_executesql

Which obviously didn't work saying

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Incorrect syntax near 'check_value'.

like image 638
ask_Overflow Avatar asked Feb 11 '16 08:02


People also ask

How do you perform a math operation on a column in SQL?

The SQL Addition Operator performs the addition on the numerical columns in the table. If you want to add the values of two numerical columns in the table, then you have to specify both columns as the first and second operand. You can also add the new integer value in the value of the integer column.

What are the 5 arithmetic operators?

These operators are + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), / (division), and % (modulo).

What are arithmetic operators explain with example?

Arithmetic Operator is used to performing mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus, etc., on the given operands. For example: 5 + 3 = 8, 5 - 3 = 2, 2 * 4 = 8, etc. are the examples of arithmetic operators.

2 Answers

Great question.

I would use a case expression because:

  1. There are only five arithmetic operators.
  2. You cannot parametrise arithmetic operators, directly.
  3. You cannot execute dynamic SQL inline.

But there are alternatives. You could build and then execute a dynamic SQL statement.

-- Query will be stored here.
DECLARE @Qry VARCHAR(255) = '';

-- Build up the query.
    @Qry = 
        +   CASE ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY cont_sal)
                WHEN 1 THEN 'SELECT '
                ELSE 'UNION ALL SELECT '
        + ''''
        + Expression 
        + ''''
        + ' AS Expression,'
        + Expression
        + ' AS Result '
    #test AS t
                -- Avoid typing expression twice.
                    CAST(cont_sal AS VARCHAR(50)) 
                        + ' '
                        + operator 
                        + ' '
                        + CAST(check_value AS VARCHAR(50)) AS Expression        
            ) AS ex

-- Execute it.

Or you could use a cross apply to calculate the result using brute force.

    #test AS t

                    ('+', cont_sal + check_value),
                    ('-', cont_sal - check_value),
                    ('*', cont_sal * check_value),
                    ('/', cont_sal / NULLIF(check_value, 0)),
                    ('%', cont_sal % NULLIF(check_value, 0))
            ) AS ex(operator, result)
    ex.operator = t.operator

Here every possible operation is calculated. Those that are not required are filtered out of the result set. This approach is easier to read and write, but runs calculations that are never required. That said, it did generate a faster query plan that my dynamic example.


Thanks to @Damien_The_Unbeliever, who pointed out my vulnerability to divide by zero errors. I've used NULLIF to swap out 0s for nulls, which avoids the error.

I've only updated the 2nd example.

like image 190
David Rushton Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

David Rushton

Disclaimer: I'm the owner of the project Eval SQL.NET

This library allow to use C# syntax directly in T-SQL to evaluate dynamically arithmetic expression. Operator precedence and parenthesis are honored and the library go way beyond simple mathematic expression.

      cont_sal INT ,
      check_value INT ,
      operator VARCHAR(50)

INSERT  #test
VALUES  ( 10, 20, '+' ),
        ( 20, 10, '+' ),
        ( 10, 20, '-' ),
        ( 20, 10, '-' )

DECLARE @sqlnet SQLNET = SQLNET::New('')

SELECT  cont_sal ,
        check_value ,
        @sqlnet.Code('x ' + operator + ' y')
           .Val('x', cont_sal)
           .Val('y', check_value)
FROM    #test


Documentation: SQL Server Eval - Dynamically evaluate arithmetic operation and expression

like image 45
Jonathan Magnan Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Jonathan Magnan