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What is the alternative to using --process-dependency-links with pip

I am using Python 2.7. I am trying to pip install a repo (on internal github) that has a dependency on another repo (also on internal github). I tried several options but the one that worked was like this:

(env)abc$ cat requirements.txt
 -e git://github.abc.com/abc/abc.git#egg=my_abc --process-dependency-links

(env)abc$ pip install -r requirements.txt

But I got a warning while running the command line that said:

"DEPRECATION: Dependency Links processing has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release."

I am on pip v7.1.2. What is the right way to do this?

like image 629
Ankur Agarwal Avatar asked Sep 22 '15 06:09

Ankur Agarwal

1 Answers

You can use PEP 508 URL requirements:

pip @ https://github.com/pypa/pip/archive/19.2.3.zip

They'll work for direct requirements (via the CLI, or listed in requirements.txt) and packages that aren't downloaded by pip from PyPI. Note that support for this was released in pip 18.0 (i.e. early 2018, because pip's on CalVer now).

In OP's case, the requirements.txt can be unchanged (though, they'd want to remove --process-dependency-links), if the dependency links are updated to the PEP 508 format.

like image 169
pradyunsg Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 12:09
