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Pod from github not working

I forked CBZSplashView and I'd like to use it in my own project.

To be sure that the problem doesn't come from me, I create a Xcode project from scratch.

My project Podfile contains one line :

pod 'CBZSplashView', :git=> 'git@github.com:rvirin/CBZSplashView.git',  :branch => 'remy'

When I run pod install or pod update I've got the original version of the pod - not my fork.

What I'm doing wrong?

The :git parameter overrides the source of the podspec.

I tried to modify the podspec to indicate that the source files are now on my repository, but didn't work either.

Log of pod update --verbose:

-> Pre-downloading: `CBZSplashView` from `git@github.com:rvirin/CBZSplashView.git`, tag `1.0.1`
 > GitHub download
   $ /usr/bin/git config core.bare
   $ /usr/bin/git config core.bare
 > Updating cache git repo (/Users/rvi/Library/Caches/CocoaPods/GitHub/8520768890e6fa2ea91b3d9e8bb9f2afbb31ab60)
     $ /usr/bin/git remote update
     Fetching origin
 > Cloning to Pods folder
     $ /usr/bin/git clone /Users/rvi/Library/Caches/CocoaPods/GitHub/8520768890e6fa2ea91b3d9e8bb9f2afbb31ab60 /Users/rvi/Devs/Lima/iOS/Lima/Pods/CBZSplashView
     Cloning into '/Users/rvi/Devs/Lima/iOS/Lima/Pods/CBZSplashView'...
   $ /usr/bin/git fetch origin tags/1.0.1 2>&1
   From /Users/rvi/Library/Caches/CocoaPods/GitHub/8520768890e6fa2ea91b3d9e8bb9f2afbb31ab60
    * tag               1.0.1      -> FETCH_HEAD
   $ /usr/bin/git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
   HEAD is now at 56d4dc7 change branch
   $ /usr/bin/git checkout -b activated-pod-commit 2>&1
   Switched to a new branch 'activated-pod-commit'

Any help is appreciate :)

$ pod --version
like image 343
Rémy Virin Avatar asked Aug 13 '14 10:08

Rémy Virin

1 Answers

You can use following code to install Github repository to use as CocoaPods and paste this in your Podfile :

 pod 'CBZSplashView', :git => 'https://github.com/rvi/CBZSplashView.git', :branch => 'master'
like image 191
Dhruv Narayan Singh Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 04:11

Dhruv Narayan Singh