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XCode 4.4 iOS 5.1 Simulator problems

i updated my mac book to mountain lion and Xcode to the 4.4 version. In the pre version I had no problems with closing the iOS simulator and Xcode stopped automatically the building process but now if I close the iOS simulator the build process in Xcode is still running and I have to force quit Xcode because it freezes.

Does anyone recognize this bug, or can you help me to solve this problem?

like image 637
Luckfried Avatar asked Jul 27 '12 15:07


1 Answers

As a workaround, I've noticed that Running (⌘ + R) and then Bulding (⌘ + B) product succesfully starts new simulator instance, although the old instances are still frozen.

like image 114
Bartosz Ciechanowski Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10

Bartosz Ciechanowski