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What is "playground mode" in Google's Colaboratory?

I recently discovered Colaboratory. After playing with it for a few minutes, I have some idea what "playground mode" is - that no output is saved in that mode, but couldn't find a formal note in the FAQ or other help material (intro notebook) that I located. I'm wondering if there are more details to know about this mode and when is it suggested to be used?


like image 632
0cd Avatar asked Aug 24 '18 20:08


People also ask

What is open in playground mode?

Opening in playground allows you to run a notebook, but not save changes. Whatever you generate in playground mode will be lost, unless you download a copy from the "File" -> "Download" menu. Playground mode is available whether the notebook is locked or unlocked.

How do you exit playground mode in Colab?

That says, there cannot be a provision for turning off playground mode. Each time the notebook has to be saved to the drive with same or different name.

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The kitty mode setting adds animated Kitties in the header.

What environment does colab use?

Colab instance is on Google's cloud environment. The machine it is running has some storage, so we can install a package or download some files into it.

1 Answers

Playground mode opens an ephemeral copy of the notebook that isn't saved.

Typical uses include:

  • Tweaking an existing notebook without cluttering the original.
  • Executing or editing a notebook shared with read-only permissions

Without playground mode, these tasks would require creating a copy of the notebook in Drive, which clutters the file list a bit. (Of couse, you can always save a copy of the notebook after opening in playground mode if needed.)

like image 143
Bob Smith Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 20:10

Bob Smith