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Use case of Google Colab over Jupyter Notebook?

What are use cases of using Google Colab?, I mean i understand it gels well with Tensorflow, but why will someone prefer it over Jupyter notebook?

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Ritesh Saluja Avatar asked Mar 23 '18 07:03

Ritesh Saluja

People also ask

Can we use Google colab instead of Jupyter notebook?

Jupyter is the open source project on which Colab is based. Colab allows you to use and share Jupyter notebooks with others without having to download, install, or run anything.

Does Google colab run faster than Jupyter notebook?

But when I use Google Colab to run previous preprocessing codes, it takes wayyyyy longer than doing it on localhost using Jupyter Lab. It has been 2 hours and it is still stuck in one cell. Whereas Jupyter Labs took 30 minutes to run the whole notebook file.

Why we use Google colab for Python?

Benefits of Google Colab Because Python runs on a server (and not in your local browser or on your local computer) you can easily use it to interact with an online database and analyze data in situations where you need to keep the code private.

2 Answers

My reasons for using Colab

  • Work from any computers. All notebooks are saved in Google Drive.
  • Don't need to worry that conda create env will clutter your directories
  • Share to someone, or everyone easily. Just like a Google Doc.
  • Automatic history and versioning
  • Free GPU (and TPU as of 2018-09-29)
  • Form widgets are simple and easier to use
  • Good defaults
    • %matplotlib inline not needed
    • collapsible outline (no need to install)
    • Cleaner interface (I prefer it than vanilla Jupyter)
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korakot Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09


I am in a non-programming job, and I don't want to install everything on my work computer to get it set up for Jupyter. With Google Colab, I can just start working without having to do any installation and share my scripts with non-technical co-workers who wouldn't be able to install anything themselves.

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Holly Johnsen Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 06:09

Holly Johnsen