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Setting environment variables in Google Colab

I'm trying to use the Kaggle CLI API, and in order to do that, instead of using kaggle.json for authentication, I'm using environment variables to set the credentials.

!pip install --upgrade kaggle  !export KAGGLE_USERNAME=abcdefgh !export KAGGLE_KEY=abcdefgh  !export -p 

However, the printed list of env. variables doesn't contain the ones I set above.

declare -x CLICOLOR="1" declare -x CLOUDSDK_CONFIG="/content/.config" declare -x COLAB_GPU="1" declare -x CUDA_PKG_VERSION="9-2=9.2.148-1" declare -x CUDA_VERSION="9.2.148" declare -x CUDNN_VERSION="" declare -x DATALAB_SETTINGS_OVERRIDES="{\"kernelManagerProxyPort\":6000,\"kernelManagerProxyHost\":\"\",\"jupyterArgs\":[\"notebook\",\"-y\",\"--no-browser\",\"--log-level=DEBUG\",\"--debug\",\"--NotebookApp.allow_origin=\\\"*\\\"\",\"--NotebookApp.log_format=\\\"%(message)s\\\"\",\"--NotebookApp.disable_check_xsrf=True\",\"--NotebookApp.token=\",\"--Session.key=\\\"\\\"\",\"--Session.keyfile=\\\"\\\"\",\"--ContentsManager.untitled_directory=\\\"Untitled Folder\\\"\",\"--ContentsManager.untitled_file=\\\"Untitled File\\\"\",\"--ContentsManager.untitled_notebook=\\\"Untitled Notebook\\\"\",\"--KernelManager.autorestart=True\",\"--ip=\\\"\\\"\"]}" declare -x DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" declare -x ENV="/root/.bashrc" declare -x GIT_PAGER="cat" declare -x GLIBCPP_FORCE_NEW="1" declare -x GLIBCXX_FORCE_NEW="1" declare -x HOME="/root" declare -x HOSTNAME="2ced809e9844" declare -x JPY_PARENT_PID="57" declare -x LANG="en_US.UTF-8" declare -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/lib64-nvidia" declare -x LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtcmalloc.so.4" declare -x MPLBACKEND="module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline" declare -x NCCL_VERSION="2.3.7" declare -x NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES="compute,utility" declare -x NVIDIA_REQUIRE_CUDA="cuda>=9.2" declare -x NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="all" declare -x OLDPWD="/" declare -x PAGER="cat" declare -x PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/nvidia/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/tools/node/bin:/tools/google-cloud-sdk/bin:/opt/bin" declare -x PWD="/content" declare -x PYTHONPATH="/env/python" declare -x SHELL="/bin/bash" declare -x SHLVL="2" declare -x TERM="xterm-color" declare -x TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH="true" declare -x _="/tools/node/bin/forever" declare -x __EGL_VENDOR_LIBRARY_DIRS="/usr/lib64-nvidia:/usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d/" 
like image 501
Bohrium272 Avatar asked Nov 14 '18 17:11


People also ask

Is there a variable Explorer in Google Colab?

Colab now has a variable inspector to give you more insights into what your code is doing while executing.

What environment does Google colab use?

As mentioned earlier, Google Colaboratory (CoLab) is a free Jupyter notebook interactive development environment. A Jupyter (note the spelling of the word) notebook is a browser-based development environment that represents an evolution of the original IPython (Interactive Python shell) command-line REPL.

How do I select all variables in Google Colab?

Google colab uses the same keys short-cuts of microsoft VS, just use Ctrl+D to add to the selection the next occurrence. Use instead Ctrl+Shift+L to select all occurrence.

1 Answers

If you like %magic, you can also use %env to make it a bit shorter.

%env KAGGLE_USERNAME=abcdefgh 

If the value is in a variable you can also use

%env KAGGLE_USERNAME=$username 
like image 89
korakot Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09
