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What is fbclid? the new facebook parameter [closed]





For two days, I have noticed that the URL that I publish on Facebook, there is a parameter is added:
To be more precise something like: http://example.com?fbclid=uFCrBkUgEvKg...

Does anyone know what this parameter does?
What is it for and what is the use of the developers?

Thanks for your comments.

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Rafael Dorado Avatar asked Oct 17 '18 04:10

Rafael Dorado

People also ask

What is Fbclid parameter?

In short, FBCLIDs or Facebook Click Identifiers are a tracking parameter that is automatically added to outbound links on Facebook. So if a Facebook user clicks on a link to your website, a unique FBCLID is created and appended to the URL.

Why does Facebook add Fbclid?

The 'fbclid' parameter that you're seeing in your Google Analytics reports is a new parameter which Facebook is adding to outbound links shared on Facebook. So if a link to your site is shared on Facebook now, and someone clicks on it to visit your site, Facebook is adding this parameter to the link.

How do I remove Fbclid from Facebook?

Fortunately there's an easy fix: simply navigate to Admin > View Settings and enter 'fbclid' into the Exclude URL Query Parameters box. This will strip out the fbclid parameter from the URL, and enable these URLs to display as a single line again, as before.

1 Answers

I know that gclid, is short for (Google Click Identifier)
It's a unique tracking parameter that Google uses to transfer information between your Google Ads account and your Google Analytics account.

Facebook must be doing the same thing or something similar with fbclid to improve tracking analytics systems.

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Marcin Milowski Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 08:10

Marcin Milowski