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Facebook key hash does not match any stored key hashes

I'm really having troubles with the Facebook hash key. I generated it in my Eclipse.. proof:

Then I went to https://developers.facebook.com/ and registered a new app.

And finally I've set my hashkey at the settings of Facebook developers:

But no whatter I do I keep getting the same error log: "Key hash B5dWUEYfZJL/...........jyA= does not match any stored key hashes"

Does anybody know what I did wrong or how I can fix this problem? If I used the id and name from the HelloFacebookSample inside my own app everything works. So it HAS to do with the key hash, id or name I've set somewhere most likely..

Thank you, Yenthe

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Yenthe Avatar asked Nov 30 '13 13:11


People also ask

How do I change my key hash on Facebook?

Go to your Facebook App --> Settings--> Paste Hash key in "key hashes" option -->save changes. Now Test your android app with Facebook Log-in/Share etc.

How do I configure APP key hashes on Facebook?

Steps : Go to facebook developer's page : https://developers.facebook.com/ Open the App tabs and than click the Setting. Paste the generate hashkey on HashKey's field = If you don't have it yet, get your key hash part of code.

How do I get the key hash login on Facebook?

Go to the Facebook Developer site. Log into Facebook and, using the dropdown menu in the top-right, go to Developer Settings: In your developer settings, select Sample App from the menu, and add and save your key hash into your profile: You can add multiple key hashes if you develop with multiple machines.

1 Answers

If your login is working without installing facebook app and not working when facebook app is installed due to error "hash key has not match" then do following steps

1 ) Launch your app and try to log in with facebook. A dialog will open and tell you: "the key has not been found in the facebook developer console and also show the hash key.

2 ) Note down that hash key.

3 ) Put it into your facebook developer console where you first generated your api key and remove the hash key with new and save. Now you are done. Anyone that downloads your app, published with earlier used keystore can log into facebook.

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Narender Gusain Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09

Narender Gusain