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Invisible characters - ASCII

Are there any invisible characters? I have checked Google for invisible characters and ended up with many answers but I'm not sure about those. Can someone on Stack Overflow tell me more about this?

Also I have checked a profile on Facebook and found that the user didn't have any name to his profile? How can this be possible? Is it some database issue? Hacking or something?

When I searched over Internet, I found that 200D is an ASCII value with an invisible character. Is it true?

like image 678
DonOfDen Avatar asked Jul 31 '13 19:07


People also ask

Is there an invisible ascii character?

The magic sequence of keys Alt-255 typed at numeric keypad places an Invisible Character symbol into text. This character looks like a blank space in the program code and SAS output but is processed and printed by many programs as a valid text character.

What is empty character in ascii?

For example, the common whitespace symbol U+0020 SPACE (also ASCII 32) represents a blank space punctuation character in text, used as a word divider in Western scripts.

How do you type invisible?

Press and hold “Alt” key and while holding it, type digit keys 255 at the numeric keypad. 4. Release the “Alt” key.

1 Answers

I just went through the character map to get these. They are all in Calibri.

Number    Name                   HTML Code    Appearance ------    --------------------   ---------    ---------- U+2000    En Quad                       " " U+2001    Em Quad                       " " U+2002    En Space                      " " U+2003    Em Space                      " " U+2004    Three-Per-Em Space            " " U+2005    Four-Per-Em Space             " " U+2006    Six-Per-Em Space              " " U+2007    Figure Space                  " " U+2008    Punctuation Space             " " U+2009    Thin Space                    " " U+200A    Hair Space                    " " U+200B    Zero-Width Space       ​      "​" U+200C    Zero Width Non-Joiner  ‌      "‌" U+200D    Zero Width Joiner      ‍      "‍" U+200E    Left-To-Right Mark     ‎      "‎" U+200F    Right-To-Left Mark     ‏      "‏" U+202F    Narrow No-Break Space         " " 
like image 141
FlameBlazer Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 02:09
