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What happens when a rep-prefix is attached to a non string instruction?

I tried to find out the speed difference between plain loops, loop loops and builtin rep loops. I wrote three programs to compare the behavior:

Program 1

_start: xor %ecx,%ecx
0:      not %ecx
        dec %ecx
        jnz 0b
        mov $1,%eax
        xor %ebx,%ebx
        int $0x80       # syscall 1: exit

Program 2

_start: xor %ecx,%ecx
        not %ecx
        loop .
        mov $1,%eax
        xor %ebx,%ebx
        int $0x80

Program 3

_start: xor %ecx,%ecx
        not %ecx
        rep nop # Do nothing but decrement ecx
        mov $1,%eax
        xor %ebx,%ebx
        int $0x80

It turned out the third program doesn't work as expected, and some recherche tells me, that rep nop aka pause does something completely unrelated.

What are the rep, repz and repnz prefixes doing, when the instruction following them is not a string instruction?

like image 855
fuz Avatar asked Apr 21 '12 12:04


People also ask

What is Rep prefix how it functions for string instructions?

REP is a prefix written before one of the string instructions. It is used for repeating an instruction count number of times, where count is stored in the CX register. After every operation the CX register is decremented and the zero flag is tested; the process continues till CX = 0.

Which prefixes can be used with string instructions?

The rep, repe, and repne prefixes are added to string instructions to make them repeat %ecx times (%cx times if the current address size is 16-bits).

What does Rep do in assembly?

Description. Use the rep (repeat while equal), repnz (repeat while nonzero) or repz (repeat while zero) prefixes in conjunction with string operations. Each prefix causes the associated string instruction to repeat until the count register (CX) or the zero flag (ZF) matches a tested condition.

What is the difference between Rep and REPE?

REP/REPE/REPZ/REPNE /REPNZ--Repeat String Operation Prefix The REP (repeat), REPE (repeat while equal), REPNE (repeat while not equal), REPZ (repeat while zero), and REPNZ (repeat while not zero) mnemonics are prefixes that can be added to one of the string instructions.

1 Answers

It depends. rep ret is sometimes used to avoid bad performance of jumping directly to a ret on certain AMD processors. The rep (F3) and repne (F2) prefixes are also used as Mandatory Prefix for many SSE instructions (for example they change packed-single variants to scalar-singe or scalar-double variants). pause (spin lock hint) is an alias of rep nop. Some other new instructions use a "fake rep prefix" as well (popcnt, crc32, vmxon, etc). The "fake" or Mandatory Prefix comes before the optional REX prefix, so it can't be said to be part of the opcode, it really is a prefix.

Other operations generate an #UD if prefixed with a rep.

like image 85
harold Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09
