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What exactly is Python multiprocessing Module's .join() Method Doing?

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What does multiprocessing process do?

Python multiprocessing Process class is an abstraction that sets up another Python process, provides it to run code and a way for the parent application to control execution. There are two important functions that belongs to the Process class - start() and join() function.

What does multiprocessing pool do in Python?

Using Pool. The Pool class in multiprocessing can handle an enormous number of processes. It allows you to run multiple jobs per process (due to its ability to queue the jobs). The memory is allocated only to the executing processes, unlike the Process class, which allocates memory to all the processes.

How does multiprocessing pool work?

It works like a map-reduce architecture. It maps the input to the different processors and collects the output from all the processors. After the execution of code, it returns the output in form of a list or array. It waits for all the tasks to finish and then returns the output.

How does multiprocessing lock work in Python?

Python provides a mutual exclusion lock for use with processes via the multiprocessing. Lock class. An instance of the lock can be created and then acquired by processes before accessing a critical section, and released after the critical section. Only one process can have the lock at any time.

The join() method, when used with threading or multiprocessing, is not related to str.join() - it's not actually concatenating anything together. Rather, it just means "wait for this [thread/process] to complete". The name join is used because the multiprocessing module's API is meant to look as similar to the threading module's API, and the threading module uses join for its Thread object. Using the term join to mean "wait for a thread to complete" is common across many programming languages, so Python just adopted it as well.

Now, the reason you see the 20 second delay both with and without the call to join() is because by default, when the main process is ready to exit, it will implicitly call join() on all running multiprocessing.Process instances. This isn't as clearly stated in the multiprocessing docs as it should be, but it is mentioned in the Programming Guidelines section:

Remember also that non-daemonic processes will be automatically be joined.

You can override this behavior by setting the daemon flag on the Process to True prior to starting the process:

p = Process(target=say_hello)
p.daemon = True
# Both parent and child will exit here, since the main process has completed.

If you do that, the child process will be terminated as soon as the main process completes:


The process’s daemon flag, a Boolean value. This must be set before start() is called.

The initial value is inherited from the creating process.

When a process exits, it attempts to terminate all of its daemonic child processes.

Without the join(), the main process can complete before the child process does. I'm not sure under what circumstances that leads to zombieism.

The main purpose of join() is to ensure that a child process has completed before the main process does anything that depends on the work of the child process.

The etymology of join() is that it's the opposite of fork, which is the common term in Unix-family operating systems for creating child processes. A single process "forks" into several, then "joins" back into one.

I'm not going to explain in detail what join does, but here's the etymology and the intuition behind it, which should help you remember its meaning more easily.

The idea is that execution "forks" into multiple processes of which one is the main/primary process, the rest workers (or minor/secondary). When the workers are done, they "join" the main process so that serial execution may be resumed.

The join() causes the main process to wait for a worker to join it. The method might better have been called "wait", since that's the actual behavior it causes in the master (and that's what it's called in POSIX, although POSIX threads call it "join" as well). The joining only occurs as an effect of the threads cooperating properly, it's not something the main process does.

The names "fork" and "join" have been used with this meaning in multiprocessing since 1963.

The join() call ensures that subsequent lines of your code are not called before all the multiprocessing processes are completed.

For example, without the join(), the following code will call restart_program() even before the processes finish, which is similar to asynchronous and is not what we want (you can try):

num_processes = 5

for i in range(num_processes):
    p = multiprocessing.Process(target=calculate_stuff, args=(i,))
for p in processes:
    p.join() # call to ensure subsequent line (e.g. restart_program) 
             # is not called until all processes finish


join() is used to wait for the worker processes to exit. One must call close() or terminate() before using join().

Like @Russell mentioned join is like the opposite of fork (which Spawns sub-processes).

For join to run you have to run close() which will prevent any more tasks from being submitted to the pool and exit once all tasks complete. Alternatively, running terminate() will just exit by stopping all worker processes immediately.

"the child process will sit idle and not terminate, becoming a zombie you must manually kill" this is possible when the main (parent) process exits but the child process is still running and once completed it has no parent process to return its exit status to.

To wait until a process has completed its work and exited, use the join() method.


Note It is important to join() the process after terminating it in order to give the background machinery time to update the status of the object to reflect the termination.

This is a good example helped me understand it: here

One thing I noticed personally was my main process paused until the child had finished its process using the join() method which defeated the point of me using multiprocessing.Process() in the first place.