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What does the >> symbol mean in Haskell




I was reading the Guestbook example for Happstack and noticed the >> symbol which I didn't see before in the textbooks I studied to learn Haskell (for instance see line 23). What is it?

I could not find it in Google because it ignores the >> totally (Bing does not but comes up with tons of non-related results).

like image 941
CharlesS Avatar asked Feb 27 '10 09:02


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1 Answers

In do-notation

a >> b >> c >> d 

is equivalent to

do a    b    c    d 

(and similarly a >>= (b >>= (c >>= d)) is equivalent to

do r1 <- a    r2 <- b r1    r3 <- c r2    d r3 
like image 104
kennytm Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 22:09
