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Android Syntax Highlighting?

Does anyone know of syntax highlighting libraries which work on Android? I've looked at jsyntaxpane but that doesn't seem to support Android.

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ng93 Avatar asked Aug 16 '12 12:08


1 Answers

I managed to create a syntax highlighter for Android, based on the Prettify. It was easy, actually, when I found the Java Prettify. Just download it (sadly, it is not published for maven) and add its jar to the build path of you application.

The syntax highlighter I created based on it:

public class PrettifyHighlighter {     private static final Map<String, String> COLORS = buildColorsMap();      private static final String FONT_PATTERN = "<font color=\"#%s\">%s</font>";      private final Parser parser = new PrettifyParser();      public String highlight(String fileExtension, String sourceCode) {         StringBuilder highlighted = new StringBuilder();         List<ParseResult> results = parser.parse(fileExtension, sourceCode);         for(ParseResult result : results){             String type = result.getStyleKeys().get(0);             String content = sourceCode.substring(result.getOffset(), result.getOffset() + result.getLength());             highlighted.append(String.format(FONT_PATTERN, getColor(type), content));         }         return highlighted.toString();     }      private String getColor(String type){         return COLORS.containsKey(type) ? COLORS.get(type) : COLORS.get("pln");     }      private static Map<String, String> buildColorsMap() {         Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();         map.put("typ", "87cefa");         map.put("kwd", "00ff00");         map.put("lit", "ffff00");         map.put("com", "999999");         map.put("str", "ff4500");         map.put("pun", "eeeeee");         map.put("pln", "ffffff");         return map;     } } 

The colors of the syntax are hardcoded, but may be also set by i.e. application preferences. In order to display a Java source code in a TextView, just do:

// code is a String with source code to highlight // myTextView is a TextView component PrettifyHighlighter highlighter = new PrettifyHighlighter(); String highlighted = highlighter.highlight("java", code); myTextView.setText(Html.fromHtml(highlighted)); 

The Java Prettify library made my application around 50kB bigger.

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fracz Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09
