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Why does Scala apply thunks automatically, sometimes?

At just after 2:40 in ShadowofCatron's Scala Tutorial 3 video, it's pointed out that the parentheses following the name of a thunk are optional. "Buh?" said my functional programming brain, since the value of a function and the value it evaluates to when applied are completely different things.

So I wrote the following to try this out. My thought process is described in the comments.

object Main {      var counter: Int = 10     def f(): Int = { counter = counter + 1; counter }      def runThunk(t: () => Int): Int = { t() }      def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {         val a = f()     // I expect this to mean "apply f to no args"         println(a)      // and apparently it does          val b = f       // I expect this to mean "the value f", a function value         println(b)      // but it's the value it evaluates to when applied to no args         println(b)      // and the application happens immediately, not in the call          runThunk(b)     // This is an error: it's not println doing something funny         runThunk(f)     // Not an error: seems to be val doing something funny     }  } 


To be clear about the problem, this Scheme program (and the console dump which follows) shows what I expected the Scala program to do.

(define counter (list 10)) (define f (lambda ()             (set-car! counter (+ (car counter) 1))             (car counter)))  (define runThunk (lambda (t) (t)))  (define main (lambda args                (let ((a (f))                      (b f))                  (display a) (newline)                  (display b) (newline)                  (display b) (newline)                  (runThunk b)                  (runThunk f))))  > (main) 11 #<procedure:f> #<procedure:f> 13 


After coming to this site to ask about this, I came across this answer which told me how to fix the above Scala program:

    val b = f _     // Hey Scala, I mean f, not f() 

But the underscore 'hint' is only needed sometimes. When I call runThunk(f), no hint is required. But when I 'alias' f to b with a val then apply it, it doesn't work: the application happens in the val; and even lazy val works this way, so it's not the point of evaluation causing this behaviour.


That all leaves me with the question:

Why does Scala sometimes automatically apply thunks when evaluating them?

Is it, as I suspect, type inference? And if so, shouldn't a type system stay out of the language's semantics?

Is this a good idea? Do Scala programmers apply thunks rather than refer to their values so much more often that making the parens optional is better overall?

Examples written using Scala 2.8.0RC3, DrScheme 4.0.1 in R5RS.

like image 806
Anonymoose Avatar asked May 29 '10 09:05


1 Answers

The problem is here:

Buh?" said my functional programming brain, since the value of a function and the value it evaluates to when applied are completely different things.

Yes, but you did not declare any function.

def f(): Int = { counter = counter + 1; counter } 

You declared a method called f which has one empty parameter list, and returns Int. A method is not a function -- it does not have a value. Never, ever. The best you can do is get a Method instance through reflection, which is not really the same thing at all.

val b = f _     // Hey Scala, I mean f, not f() 

So, what does f _ means? If f was a function, it would mean the function itself, granted, but this is not the case here. What it really means is this:

val b = () => f() 

In other words, f _ is a closure over a method call. And closures are implemented through functions.

Finally, why are empty parameter lists optional in Scala? Because while Scala allows declarations such as def f = 5, Java does not. All methods in Java require at least an empty parameter list. And there are many such methods which, in Scala style, would not have any parameters (for example, length and size). So, to make the code look more uniform with regards to empty parameter list, Scala makes them optional.

like image 182
Daniel C. Sobral Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 22:09

Daniel C. Sobral