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What is this haskell syntax?

I just ran across the following syntax in a piece of Haskell code -

data A = A Int Int | B  m :: A -> Int m a = case a of   A{} -> 1   _ -> 2 

What is the A{} doing here? Does the {} automatically match for any number of arguments?

I have a feeling that this is exploiting the fact that Haskell record syntax desugars to a bunch of functions and a regular Algebraic Datatype. Is that the case?

like image 661
Anupam Jain Avatar asked Jan 18 '12 04:01

Anupam Jain

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1 Answers

Yes, A{} matches any value constructed with the A constructor, regardless of whether the type has been declared with record syntax or not.

The language report specifies

The expression F {}, where F is a data constructor, is legal whether or not F was declared with record syntax (provided F has no strict fields — see the fourth bullet above); it denotes F ⊥1 … ⊥n, where n is the arity of F.

The 'fourth bullet' mentioned in the parenthesis states that it is a static error to construct a value with record syntax which omits a strict field.

And in the section on pattern matching, one of the grammar rules for patterns is

apat -> qcon { fpat1 , … , fpatk }      (labeled pattern, k ≥ 0) 

and the semantics are given in the subsection on formal semantics of pattern-matching (3.17.3) as

(o) case  v  of {  K  {} ->  e ; _ ->  e′ }         = case  v  of {             K _… _ ->  e ; _ ->  e′ } 
like image 71
Daniel Fischer Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09

Daniel Fischer