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What does "Reverse Continue" do in Visual Studio 2019

I noticed that VS2019 Professional Edition has a Reverse Continue button. So I assumed it makes a step back to the previous line when debugging, but it remains grayed out.

So what does Reverse Continue button do in Visual Studio 2019?

enter image description here

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AngryHacker Avatar asked Apr 04 '19 17:04


1 Answers

This button appears to be related to the Time Travel Debugging (TTD) feature available in VS 2019 Enterprise. TTD allows the developer to take a snapshot during a debugging session, in which every line of code executed during the session is recorded. The Reverse Continue button can be used to "play" these lines of code in reverse.

For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/debugger/debug-live-azure-virtual-machines-time-travel-debugging?view=vs-2019.

I don't know why this button is visible in VS 2019 Professional, when the only documentation I could find on it requires VS 2019 Enterprise.

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gusmally supports Monica Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 01:11

gusmally supports Monica