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How to run visual studio pre-build events in windows and mac?

I have a pre-build event as follows:

if %errorlevel% EQU 0 (
   REM some code
) else (
   REM some code

When running this on a mac os machine, ver command throws an error. How can I make this code run on both mac and windows?

like image 893
quldude Avatar asked May 17 '17 01:05


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In the Post-build event command line box, specify the syntax of the build event. Add a call statement before all post-build commands that run . bat files. For example, call C:\MyFile.

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1 Answers

OK, so I ended up solving the problem by writing two versions of the same script, one for windows, the other for bash/mac. Firstly, I added the following to my pre-build event in visual studio:

enter image description here NOTE: The lack of an extension is on purpose.

Then I added two scripts, one called GenerateConfig.cmd for windows builds. The other script called GenerateConfig for mac builds. You'll also need to make sure the later script has the execute flag on it.

like image 161
Richard Lyle Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

Richard Lyle