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What does ** mean in a path?

ive been setting up Grunt for my web app to auto build it and im seeing paths like


i understand what one wildcard means, but what does 2 in a row mean?

like image 419
Kev Avatar asked Jun 20 '13 05:06


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2 Answers

/path/to/file/**/*.js matches any number of directories between /path/to/file/ and /*.js. As opposed to /path/to/file/*/*.js, which matches a single directory between /path/to/file/ and /*.js.

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Óscar López Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 12:11

Óscar López

this matchers called "glob pattern" they are widely used in shell script and in CLI tools like grunt or npm .they '**' means -- "Matches zero or more directories, but will never match the directories . and .. " you can read more in the docs glob pattern

like image 39
yehonatan yehezkel Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 13:11

yehonatan yehezkel