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Find documents with array that doesn't contains a specific value

I have the following model:

var PersonSchema = new Schema({     name: String,     groups: [         {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Group'}     ], }); 

I am looking for a query that retrieves all the Persons that are not part of a certain Group (i.e the persons' group array doesn't contain the id of the specified group).

I was thinking about something like this, but I'm not sure it is correct:

Person.find({groups: {$nin: [group._id]})

like image 542
Marius Avatar asked Oct 21 '14 07:10


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2 Answers

Nothing wrong with what you are basically attempting, but perhaps the only clarification here is the common misconception that you need operators like $nin or $in when querying an array.

Also you really need to do here is a basic inequality match with $ne:

Person.find({ "groups": { "$ne": group._id } }) 

The "array" operators are not for "array targets" but for providing a "list" of conditions to test in a convenient form.

Person.find({ "groups": { "$nin": [oneId, twoId,threeId] } }) 

So just use normal operators for single conditions, and save $in and $nin for where you want to test more than one condition against either a single value or a list. So it's just the other way around.

If you do need to pass a "list" of arguments where "none" of those in the provided list match the contents of the array then you reverse the logic with the $not operator and the $all operator:

Person.find({ "groups": { "$not": { "$all": [oneId,twoId,threeId] } } }) 

So that means that "none of the list" provided are present in the array.

like image 178
Neil Lunn Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 09:09

Neil Lunn

This is a better way to do this in Mongoose v5.11:

Person.find({ occupation: /host/ }).where('groups').nin(['group1', 'group2']); 

The code becomes clearer and has more readability.

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matymad Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09
