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What does App=EntityFramework do in Sql connection string?

I have 2 connection strings - 1 local and 1 for my main production server. Entity Framework added App=EntityFramework to my local string when I installed it (4.1) - I'm now on 4.3. What does this do - I can't find any reference to it?

Here's my local connection string:

<add name="LocalConnection"       providerName="System.Data.EntityClient"       connectionString="metadata=       res://*/;       provider=System.Data.SqlClient;       provider connection string='       Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;       AttachDBFilename=C:\mypath\MyDb.mdf;       Integrated Security=True;       User Instance=True;       MultipleActiveResultSets=True;       App=EntityFramework'" /> 

Just curious!

like image 773
dotnetnoob Avatar asked Mar 20 '13 09:03


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2 Answers

App and Application Name are simply a way for somebody debugging SQL Server to know which client is connecting to it. If you had a SQL Server that has several apps that used it, it might be hard to know which one was sending which statements. If each app used a different Application Name it would be very clear.

Check this out for more info.

like image 112
d512 Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 16:09


It's just the synonym of the Application Name.

You can see the Connection String properties outlined here:


like image 36
Darren Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 18:09
