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What do numbers using 0x notation mean?

People also ask

What does 0x mean in assembly language?

0x is hexadecimal (base 16). Without the 0x you get decimal (base 10). This syntax has nothing to do with it being a mov instruction.

Why do pointers start with 0x?

The 0x is just a notation to let you know the number is in hexadecimal form. Same as you'd write 042 for an octal number, or 42 for a decimal one.

Where does 0x come from?

0x means the number is probably hexadecimal. This applies in C/C++, and probalby other languages.

Literals that start with 0x are hexadecimal integers. (base 16)

The number 0x6400 is 25600.

6 * 16^3 + 4 * 16^2 = 25600

For an example including letters (also used in hexadecimal notation where A = 10, B = 11 ... F = 15)

The number 0x6BF0 is 27632.

6 * 16^3 + 11 * 16^2 + 15 * 16^1 = 27632
24576    + 2816      + 240       = 27632

In C and languages based on the C syntax, the prefix 0x means hexadecimal (base 16).

Thus, 0x400 = 4×(162) + 0×(161) + 0×(160) = 4×((24)2) = 22 × 28 = 210 = 1024, or one binary K.

And so 0x6400 = 0x4000 + 0x2400 = 0x19×0x400 = 25K

It's a hexadecimal number.

0x6400 translates to 4*16^2 + 6*16^3 = 25600

The numbers starting with 0x are hexadecimal (base 16).0x6400 represents 25600.

To convert,

  • multiply the last digit times 1
  • add second-last digit times 16 (16^1)
  • add third-last digit times 256 (16^2)
  • add fourth-last digit times 4096 (16^3)
  • ...and so on

The factors 1, 16, 256, etc. are the increasing powers of 16.

0x6400 = (0*1) + (0*16^1) + (4*16^2) + (6*16^3) = 25600 


0x6400 = (0*1) + (0*16) + (4*256) + (6*4096) = 25600