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What is the benefit of terminating if … else if constructs with an else clause?




People also ask

Is it necessary to have an ELSE clause after an IF condition?

An if statement looks at any and every thing in the parentheses and if true, executes block of code that follows. If you require code to run only when the statement returns true (and do nothing else if false) then an else statement is not needed.

What is the point of using else if?

Use if to specify a block of code to be executed, if a specified condition is true. Use else to specify a block of code to be executed, if the same condition is false. Use else if to specify a new condition to test, if the first condition is false.

Why is if-else better than if if?

Use two if statements if both if statement conditions could be true at the same time. In this example, both conditions can be true. You can pass and do great at the same time. Use an if/else statement if the two conditions are mutually exclusive meaning if one condition is true the other condition must be false.

What is else if construct?

Alternatively referred to as elsif, else if is a conditional statement performed after an if statement that, if true, performs a function.

As mentioned in another answer, this is from the MISRA-C coding guidelines. The purpose is defensive programming, a concept which is often used in mission-critical programming.

That is, every if - else if must end with an else, and every switch must end with a default.

There are two reasons for this:

  • Self-documenting code. If you write an else but leave it empty it means: "I have definitely considered the scenario when neither if nor else if are true".

    Not writing an else there means: "either I considered the scenario where neither if nor else if are true, or I completely forgot to consider it and there's potentially a fat bug right here in my code".

  • Stop runaway code. In mission-critical software, you need to write robust programs that account even for the highly unlikely. So you could see code like

    if (mybool == TRUE) 
    else if (mybool == FALSE) 
      // handle error

    This code will be completely alien to PC programmers and computer scientists, but it makes perfect sense in mission-critical software, because it catches the case where the "mybool" has gone corrupt, for whatever reason.

    Historically, you would fear corruption of the RAM memory because of EMI/noise. This is not much of an issue today. Far more likely, memory corruption occurs because of bugs elsewhere in the code: pointers to wrong locations, array-out-of-bounds bugs, stack overflow, runaway code etc.

    So most of the time, code like this comes back to slap yourself in the face when you have written bugs during the implementation stage. Meaning it could also be used as a debug technique: the program you are writing tells you when you have written bugs.


Regarding why else is not needed after every single if:

An if-else or if-else if-else completely covers all possible values that a variable can have. But a plain if statement is not necessarily there to cover all possible values, it has a much broader usage. Most often you just wish to check a certain condition and if it is not met, then do nothing. Then it is simply not meaningful to write defensive programming to cover the else case.

Plus it would clutter up the code completely if you wrote an empty else after each and every if.

MISRA-C:2012 15.7 gives no rationale why else is not needed, it just states:

Note: a final else statement is not required for a simple if statement.

Your company followed MISRA coding guidance. There are a few versions of these guidelines that contain this rule, but from MISRA-C:2004:

Rule 14.10 (required): All if … else if constructs shall be terminated with an else clause.

This rule applies whenever an if statement is followed by one or more else if statements; the final else if shall be followed by an else statement. In the case of a simple if statement then the else statement need not be included. The requirement for a final else statement is defensive programming. The else statement shall either take appropriate action or contain a suitable comment as to why no action is taken. This is consistent with the requirement to have a final default clause in a switch statement. For example this code is a simple if statement:

if ( x < 0 )
 x = 0;
} /* else not needed */

whereas the following code demonstrates an if, else if construct

if ( x < 0 )
 x = 0;
else if ( y < 0 )
 x = 3;
else /* this else clause is required, even if the */
{ /* programmer expects this will never be reached */
 /* no change in value of x */

In MISRA-C:2012, which supersedes the 2004 version and is the current recommendation for new projects, the same rule exists but is numbered 15.7.

Example 1: in a single if statement programmer may need to check n number of conditions and performs single operation.

if(condition_1 || condition_2 || ... condition_n)

In a regular usage performing a operation is not needed all the time when if is used.

Example 2: Here programmer checks n number of conditions and performing multiple operations. In regular usage if..else if is like switch you may need to perform a operation like default. So usage else is needed as per misra standard

if(condition_1 || condition_2 || ... condition_n)
else if(condition_1 || condition_2 || ... condition_n)
   //default cause

Current and past versions of these publications are available for purchase via the MISRA webstore (via).

This is the equivalent of requiring a default case in every switch.

This extra else will Decrease code coverage of your program.

In my experience with porting linux kernel , or android code to different platform many time we do something wrong and in logcat we see some error like

if ( x < 0 )
    x = 0;
else if ( y < 0 )
    x = 3;
else    /* this else clause is required, even if the */
{       /* programmer expects this will never be reached */
        /* no change in value of x */
        printk(" \n [function or module name]: this should never happen \n");

        /* It is always good to mention function/module name with the 
           logs. If you end up with "this should never happen" message
           and the same message is used in many places in the software
           it will be hard to track/debug.

Only a brief explanation, since I did this all about 5 years ago.

There is (with most languages) no syntactic requirement to include "null" else statement (and unnecessary {..}), and in "simple little programs" there is no need. But real programmers don't write "simple little programs", and, just as importantly, they don't write programs that will be used once and then discarded.

When one write an if/else:


it all seems simple and one hardly sees even the point of adding {..}.

But some day, a few months from now, some other programmer (you would never make such a mistake!) will need to "enhance" the program and will add a statement.


Suddenly doSomethingElse kinda forgets that it's supposed to be in the else leg.

So you're a good little programmer and you always use {..}. But you write:

if(something) {
  if(anotherThing) {

All's well and good until that new kid makes a midnight modification:

if(something) {
  if(!notMyThing) {
  if(anotherThing) {
  else {
    dontDoAnything;  // Because it's not my thing.

Yes, it's improperly formatted, but so is half the code in the project, and the "auto formatter" gets bollixed up by all the #ifdef statements. And, of course, the real code is far more complicated than this toy example.

Unfortunately (or not), I've been out of this sort of thing for a few years now, so I don't have a fresh "real" example in mind -- the above is (obviously) contrived and a bit hokey.

This, is done to make the code more readable, for later references and to make it clear, to a later reviewer, that the remaining cases handled by the last else, are do nothing cases, so that they are not overlooked somehow at first sight.

This is a good programming practice, which makes code reusable and extend-able.

I would like to add to – and partly contradict – the previous answers. While it is certainly common to use if-else if in a switch-like manner that should cover the full range of thinkable values for an expression, it is by no means guaranteed that any range of possible conditions is fully covered. The same can be said about the switch construct itself, hence the requirement to use a default clause, which catches all remaining values and can, if not otherwise required anyway, be used as an assertion safeguard.

The question itself features a good counter-example: The second condition does not relate to x at all (which is the reason why I often prefer the more flexible if-based variant over the switch-based variant). From the example it is obvious that if condition A is met, x should be set to a certain value. Should A not be met, then condition B is tested. If it is met, then x should receive another value. If neither A nor B are met, then x should remain unchanged.

Here we can see that an empty else branch should be used to comment on the programmer's intention for the reader.

On the other hand, I cannot see why there must be an else clause especially for the latest and innermost if statement. In C, there is no such thing as an 'else if'. There is only if and else. Instead, according to MISRA, the construct should formally be indented this way (and I should have put the opening curly braces on their own lines, but I don't like that):

if (A) {
    // do something
else {
    if (B) {
        // do something else (no pun intended)
    else {
        // don't do anything here

When MISRA asks to put curly braces around every branch, then it contradicts itself by mentioning "if ... else if constructs".

Anyone can imagine the ugliness of deeply nested if else trees, see here on a side note. Now imagine that this construct can be arbitrarily extended anywhere. Then asking for an else clause in the end, but not anywhere else, becomes absurd.

if (A) {
    if (B) {
        // do something
    // you could to something here
else {
    // or here
    if (B) { // or C?
        // do something else (no pun intended)
    else {
        // don't do anything here, if you don't want to
    // what if I wanted to do something here? I need brackets for that.

So I am sure that the people who developed the MISRA guidelines had the switch-like if-else if intention in mind.

In the end, it comes down for them to defining precisely what is meant with an "if ... else if construct"

The basic reason is probably code coverage and the implicit else: how will the code behave if the condition is not true? For genuine testing, you need some way to see that you have tested with the condition false. If every test case you have goes through the if clause, your code could have problems in the real world because of a condition that you did not test.

However, some conditions may properly be like Example 1, like on a tax return: "If the result is less than 0, enter 0." You still need to have a test where the condition is false.