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Are parallel calls to send/recv on the same socket valid?

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Can sockets send and receive at the same time?

Once connected, a TCP socket can only send and receive to/from the remote machine. This means that you'll need one TCP socket for each client in your application. UDP is not connection-based, you can send and receive to/from anyone at any time with the same socket.

Can multiple threads use the same socket?

No two threads can use the same Socket because of the Synchronize sections. So they're never mutating it at the same time.

Can you read and write from the same server socket?

for reading and writing on the same socket concurrently there is no problem, what really will happenn is that, you first when connect to the server using Socket, you must get output and input streams from this Socket object for writing and reading, then you can make a thread that listening for incoming messages from ...

Are Linux sockets thread safe?

Sockets are not part of C++ Standard so it depends on implementation. Generally they are not thread safe since send is not an atomic operation.

POSIX defines send/recv as atomic operations, so assuming you're talking about POSIX send/recv then yes, you can call them simultaneously from multiple threads and things will work.

This doesn't necessarily mean that they'll be executed in parallel -- in the case of multiple sends, the second will likely block until the first completes. You probably won't notice this much, as a send completes once its put its data into the socket buffer.

If you're using SOCK_STREAM sockets, trying to do things a parallel is less likely to be useful as send/recv might send or receive only part of a message, which means things could get split up.

Blocking send/recv on SOCK_STREAM sockets only block until they send or recv at least 1 byte, so the difference between blocking and non-blocking is not useful.

The socket descriptor belongs to the process, not to a particular thread. Hence, it is possible to send/receive to/from the same socket in different threads, the OS will handle the synchronization.

However, if the order of sending/receiving is semantically significant, you yourself (respectively your code) have to ensure proper sequencing between the operations in the different threads - as is always the case with threads.

I don't see how receiving in parallel could possibly accomplish anything. If you have a 3 bytes message, 1 thread could get the 1st 2 bytes and another the last byte, but you'd have no way of telling which was which. Unless your messages are only a byte long, there is no way you could reliably make anything work with multiple threads receiving.

Multiple sends might work, if you sent the entire message in a single call, but I'm not sure. It's possible that one could overwrite another. There certainly wouldn't be any performance benefit to doing so.

If multiple threads need to send, you should implement a synchronized message queue. Have one thread that does the actual sending that reads messages from the queue and have the other threads enqueue whole messages. The same thing would work for receiving, but the receive thread would have to know the format of the messages so it could deserialize them properly.